Tsuguya Sakamoto: 心尖肥厚型心肌病的超声心动图评估
发布日期: 2007-10-28 12:46 文章来源: 丁香园
关键词: Tsuguya-Sakamoto 心肌病 超声心动图 点击次数:

Clinically, apical hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is usually discovered by electrocardiographic monitoring, which is characterized by giant negative T waves in the V4~V5 leads, mainly in he middle-aged Oriental men. The evidence of massive apical hypertrophic muscle is difficult to observe with M-mode echo, and 2D detection was later verified by ultrafast CT(EBT)and cadiac MRI. The history from M-mode .2D,TEE to contrast echo is concisely mentioned.

   作者: 丁香园通讯员

