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Simin Liu:代谢性疾病的饮食和分子因素

发布日期:2008-11-29 14:09 文章来源:第10届亚洲分子糖尿病研讨会暨首届中山糖尿病论坛
关键词: SiminLiu 糖尿病 分子 遗传 广州 代谢 饮食   点击次数:

Simin Liu


Dr. Liu is currently Professor of Epidemiology and Medicine and founding director of the Program on Genomics and Nutrition at the UCLA School of Public Health. He also holds adjunct appointments as Professor of Epidemiology at Harvard and Professor of Public Health at Sun Yat-Sen University in China. Dr. Liu is an elected fellow of the Council of Epidemiology and Prevention of the American Heart Association, and has served on study sections for the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the United States. He has also served on international advisory committees including the World Health Organization (WHO) and Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations addressing policy issues related to evidence-based medicine, public health, and nutrition.

Dr. Liu is an international leader in applying epidemiologic principles and methodologies to the field of evidence-based medicine and public health. He received his early medical training in China and his master of public health and doctoral degrees in epidemiology and nutrition from Harvard University. Prior to joining the UCLA faculty, Dr. Liu served as Instructor, Assistant, and Associate Professor of Medicine in the Department of Medicine at Harvard Medical School and Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston, and Assistant and Associate Professor of Epidemiology at the Harvard School of Public Health.

 From 1993 to 1995, Dr. Liu was a fellow officer in the Epidemic Intelligence Service (EIS) at the CDC where he participated in the design, analysis, and evaluation of several major national surveillance systems for chronic diseases in the United States and China including the behavioral risk factor surveillance system – the world's largest ongoing telephone-based survey of risk behaviors. From 1998 to 2005, he was Director of Nutrition Research in the Division of Preventive Medicine at the Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School where he led the design and analysis of many original studies in identifying the determinants and distributions of chronic diseases in several high-quality prospective studies of men and women in the United States. Through examining the health habits and physiological status of these middle-aged women and men over time, Dr Liu and colleagues have investigated how dietary, life-course, biochemical, and genetic factors influence the development of many degenerative disorders in human populations. His research in nutrition and health has been translated into public policy such as the Healthy People 2010 and the 2005 Dietary Guidelines. His seminal work in carbohydrate nutrition ultimately served as the scientific evidence in establishing regulatory and labeling guidelines for the FDA's whole grains and heart disease health claims. Dr. Liu has contributed over 100 original publications in the biomedical literatures. Much of his research concerning the molecular and nutritional epidemiology of chronic diseases has been published in top-tier biomedical journals, including New England Journal of Medicine, Annals of Internal Medicine, JAMA, Circulation, Journal of American College of Cardiology, Diabetes, Diabetes Care, Journal of National Cancer Institute, American Journal of Human Genetics, and American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

Dr. Liu's current research is at the interface of nutrition and genetics/genomics and focuses on their interplay in affecting major chronic diseases in human populations. He continues to serve as Principal Investigator or co-investigator of NIH-sponsored projects investigating nutritional, genetic, hormonal, and biochemical predictors of chronic diseases in human populations.









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编辑: xiaoyan    作者:Simin Liu
