

2011.08.24 Alan H. Morris教授接受丁香园采访

to increase the quality of care. So this will be is a long ongoing work.&nbsp... purpose in quality improvement and then later perhaps continue to use them

2011.07.29 Horng H chen教授接受丁香园采访

and have better quality of life and eventually cut down costs. In the USA

2007.09.21 丁香园通讯员现场采访陆嘉德教授

Education (CME) and Quality Improvement (QI) program on Radiation Oncologist (RO

2011.08.29 蔡莉教授:肿瘤个体化治疗的研究进展

预测个体对药物的敏感性及毒副作用。  当前迫切希望确立对化疗中-低敏感的恶性肿瘤的个体化治疗方案,以延长患者的生存期或提高其生存质量(quality

2015.09.17 全科医生强化培训班 9 月 17 日正式开班

? Janet Hou诊所病人的质量和安全管理Quality and safety management如何提高病人就诊体验Improve patient