

2008.09.19 The crossroad for individualized and gold standard therapies

上海第二军医大学附属长征医院王杰军 教授 ...

2015.06.01 靶向治疗时代:疾病还是困扰吗?

美国芝加哥 2015 年 5 月 31 日上午,在名为「Targeted Therapies:Does the Disease Still Matter?」的靶向治疗专场,来自世界各地的专家分享了肿瘤靶向领域的最新进展。首先,在不可切除或转移性 BRAF V600E/K 突变阳性的皮肤黑色素瘤中,一项随机双盲 III

2012.09.27 第三届中德肺癌论坛(CGLCF)

: Recent developments in anti-angiogenic therapies (非小细胞肺癌中抗血管生成治疗的新进展

2019.09.18 2019亚太生物医药合作峰会告示之路演集锦

:Viriom Inc. is a commercial and late-stage biotech company developing novel therapies...’ therapies with curative potential.Viriom is developing breakthrough medicines

2012.09.21 Rik Jscheper教授:细胞治疗的医政管理应宽严相济

anti-cancer therapies. Patients with a poor prognosis may not really be helped much... Scheper: I think what challenges the development of novel cell therapies most

2018.10.08 一带一路·粤港澳大湾区自身免疫病高峰论坛等你来!

)Debashish Danda (印度韦洛尔基督教医学院)厉小梅王庆文11:15-11:45Current and future therapies for SLE..., India )LI XiaomeiWANG Pingwen11:15-11:45Current and future therapies for SLE

2009.12.09 Robert Ligthelm教授:国际指南与强化治疗的选择

prescribed as first-line therapies for patients failing to maintain glycaemic

2017.06.10 ADA 2017:丁香园邀您一起解读 2017ADA 热门话题

10, 4:00-6:00 p.m.
4、Emerging Noninsulin Injectable Therapies
Saturday, June 10