

2009.09.08 Topics in Opioid Analgesia-斋藤洋司

Topics in Opioid Analgesia-斋藤洋司Topics in Opioid Analgesia-斋藤洋司Topics in Opioid Analgesia-斋藤洋司Topics

2010.06.01 汪道远:欧美胸腔镜肺叶切除当前研究热点

欧美胸腔镜肺叶切除当前研究热点current hot topics of VATS lobectomy in US and Europe报告人:汪道远博士JTD杂志编辑汪道远博士:欧美胸腔镜肺叶切除当前研究热点汪道远博士:欧美胸腔镜肺叶切除当前研究热点汪道远

2008.11.18 Current Concept in Primary TKA design

with the primaryTKA.In this lecture, the following topics will be discussed1. Axis

2019.04.08 2019 中国国际实验室规划、建设与管理大会暨展览 China International Congress and Exhibition on Laboratory Planning, Construction and Management (labtech China Congress 2019)

Co., Ltd.会议主题Congress Topics:实验室综合体规划现代化实验室规划与建设实验室安全与管理智慧实验室建设人与实验室和谐发展模拟实验... Partial topics:实验室现代化设计实验室的数字化改造智慧实验室设计与建设多元化实验室的装配式建设及可持续应用技术大数据时代的实验室变革打造可持续性

2017.12.11 2018 亚洲临床试验创新国际峰会

to bring over 250 clinical professionals, the key congress topics will cover..., we sincerely hope primary discussions, topics and invitees would come across

2007.10.31 John-Gorcsan博士:组织多普勒显像在临床中的应用实践

years ago, most applications have focused on research topics. A few specific

2017.10.18 浙医四院第二届「紫龙山」国际学术活动周工作方案

; Ceremony (Consecutive interpreting)10月29日(星期日) October 29 (Sunday)时间Time主题Topics参会嘉宾...;项目编号:2017-04-04-003 项目负责人:陈毅力时间Time主题Topics讲者Speakers主持人Moderator会场

2013.02.28 Medscape 26日发表丁香园调查报告 中国医生参会现状获关注

included repeated topics, commercialization, high charge, limited interaction