Tutorial II:分析实验室质量保证的基本原理
2016 年 10 月 10 日上海新国际博览中心 N1-M40 会议室
Tadeusz Górecki 教授
滑铁卢大学 | 教授
Tadeusz Górecki is a professor at the Department of Chemistry, University of Waterloo (ON). He obtained his M.Sc. Engineer (1981) and Ph.D. (1986) degrees from the Gdansk University of Technology, Poland, and the Professor of Chemical Sciences degree (2009) from the President of the Republic of Poland. He currently serves as the Associate Dean for Co-operative Educations at the Faculty of Science. Prof. Górecki’s scientific interests include separation science, comprehensive two‐dimensional gas chromatography (GCxGC), high-efficiency HPLC, passive sampling, environmental analysis, field analysis, and enhanced extraction techniques. He is an author/co‐author of 22 books/book chapters, over 150 papers published in peer reviewed journals, over 250 conference presentations (including 55 invited lectures) and 7 patents/patent applications. His papers have been cited nearly 5000 times.