Tutorial IV:基于质谱学的食品分析新方法:定向蛋白质组学和高分辨 MS、MS3
2016 年 10 月 11 日上海新国际博览中心 N3-M43 会议室
Jens Brockmeyer 教授
斯图加特大学 | 教授
Education and Professional Experience
1997-2002 Study of Food Chemistry, University of Münster
2002-2003 Second state examination in Food Chemistry
2004 Research associate, Institute for Legal Medicine, University of Bonn
2005-2009 Graduation to Ph.D. in Food Chemistry, University of Münster (「summa cum laude」) Thesis:「Structure and function of the plasmid- encoded bacterial serine protease autotransporter EspP from Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli」.
2009 Postdoctoral research, Institute for Hygiene, University Clinics of Münster
01/10-03/16 Group leader Food proteomics and Allergenomics , Institute for Food Chemistry, Münster
since 04/16 Professor for Analytical Food Chemistry, University of Stuttgart
Honors and Awards
2004 Poster prize of the German society for Legal Medicine (DGR)
2007-2010 Member of the Network of Excellence 「EuroPathoGenomics」
2009 PhD thesis prize of the German Society for Hygiene and Medical Microbiology (DGHM)
2009 「Summa cum laude award」 of the University of Münster
2010 Joseph Schormüller-Fellowship of the German Society of Food Chemistry (LChG) in the GDCH
2014 Kurt-Täufel-Prize of the German Society of Food Chemistry (LChG) in the GDCH