Navigating the new regulatory environment for pharmaceutical innovation
--- What do new changes in China’s regulatory system mean to future investments?
当前,中国人口老龄化、人民生活水平大幅提升和医保体系的完善推动中国医药市场快速扩容。特别是建设「健康中国」已上升为中国的国家战略,医疗信息化、高端医疗、器械和生物制药被确定为重点突破领域,中国医药行业迎来了难得的发展机遇。自 2015 年,中国政府出台了一系列药监新政,在发挥市场监管功能的同时,也为海外企业在华的发展提供了相应的政策支持。
值此 2016 年 CPHI,ICSE & P-MEC 三大展会举办之际,我们将通过此次论坛,在医药领域架起一座中外合作的桥梁,邀请中国资深前政府官员深度剖析「中国药品注册审批制度」等关键政策,解读中国最新医药政策及其发展态势;著名跨国 CRO 企业负责人将会分享在中国发展、开拓 CRO 服务的最佳实践;世界 500 强药企精英将解密跨国企业该如何以创新应中国市场的万变;更有拥有丰富药物临床研究经验的企业领袖分享政策变化与中国药企在国内外 IND 申报的相关内容。此外,行业投资领域专家也将根据中国医药市场现状,为您挖掘更多的投资点及跨境合作机遇,广泛探讨产业投资新常态下的发展新契机,深度剖析全球医药产业链层面的产融结合对接逻辑。
It has well noted that Chinese healthcare market has been expanded rapidly due to the aging population, the improvement of people's living standards and the enlargement of the coverage of health insurance. With the announcement to upgrade the constructing of Health China to be the national strategy in the breaking realms of healthcare information, advanced medical devices and equipment and biopharmaceuticals, Chinese pharmaceutical industry will undoubtedly embrace numerous chances for the future development. Ever since 2015, the central government has released a series of reform policies to address the prominent problems in drug administration, which will greatly improve the environment of Chinese pharmaceutical industry and support the development of overseas pharmaceutical companies in China.
On this occasion of CPHI, ICSE and P-MEC to be held in Shanghai in the June of 2016, we are planning to organize this forum to serve as a bridge to enhance international cooperation between domestic and international pharmaceutical companies. On this forum, government officials will elaborate on the latest changes of regulations concerning pillars of reform review and approval system for drugs and medical devices. Industrial leaders will share their observations on the best practice of CROs in China. Senior managers from MNCs will suggest on how to cope with the trends of Chinese pharmaceutical market. Experienced technical experts will analyze on the latest developments of clinical trial and IND from Chinese pharmaceutical companies. Furthermore, top investors will also explore the opportunities in the new normal of Chinese pharmaceutical industrial investments and present the approaches of industrial integration and match-making within the whole global industrial chain.
Forum Agenda
日期:2016 年 6 月 22 日上午
Date: Morning of June 22, 2016
地址: 上海新国际博览中心 E2 馆 M17 会议室
Venue: Shanghai New International Expo Center, Hall E2 Meeting Room M17
时间 Time | 主题 Topic |
09:30-09:35 (5 mins) | 开幕致词 Opening remarks 许铭,中国医药保健品进出口商会副会长 Xu Ming, Vice President of China Chamber of Commerce for Import and Export of Medicines and Health Products |
09:35-09:55 (20 mins) | 海外制药/生物技术公司在华机遇-中国药品注册审批制度改革 刘伟强, 上海药监局原 GMP 部副部长,上海万逸医药科技有限公司总经理 New opportunities for Foreign Pharma/Biotech Companies in China – Chinese Regulatory Reform Liu Weiqiang, Former Deputy Director of ShFDA GMP Department |
09:55-10:15 (20 mins) | CRO 服务在华发展趋势和经验分享 蔡辉博士,无锡药明康德新药开发有限公司副总裁 Development of Chinese CRO industry and sharing of successful story of CRO in China Hui Cai, Vice President of Corporate Alliances and Head of Corporate Communications of WuXi AppTec |
10:15-10:35 (20 mins) | 跨国药企在华如何创新以适应不断变化的市场环境 王瑛,辉瑞中国 Doing Business in China to adapt to the changing market environment for multinational pharmaceutical companies Wang Ying, Pfizer China |
10:35-10:55 (20 mins) | 政策变化对于中国药企在国内外IND 申报的影响和对策 李志和,方达医药有限公司总裁 Measures to cope with changes in regulatory policies of IND in and outside China Li Zhihe, President of Frontage Laboratories Inc. |
10:55-11:15 (20 mins) | 投资 融资专家 Investment session Speaker from Fidelity Growth Partner (under invitation) |
11:15-11:35 (20 mins) | 投资 并购专家 Investment session Speaker from Qiming Venture Partners (under invitation) |