
Michael Harden


Michael Harden

Dr Michael Harden is a Cardiothoracic Surgeon at Royal North Shore Hospital, Sydney,Australia. Dr Harden graduated as a Chemical Engineer with first class honours in 1992. After working in Western Australia in the mining industry, he completed his undergraduate medical degree from the University of New South Wales in 2000 with first class honours.
After his surgical resident training at The Alfred Hospital in Melbourne, he completed a Masters Degree in Biomedical Engineering in 2006. His masters majored in Cardiovascular fluid dynamics and physiological fluid mechanics.
Dr Harden obtained his Fellowship of The Royal Australasian College of Surgeons in Cardiothoracic Surgery. He completed a Thoracic Fellowship in Minimally invasive Thoracic Surgery at Royal Melbourne Hospital in 2012.
Dr Harden has published in the field of tissue engineering, fluid mechanics of the aortic valve, cardiac imaging and cardiac history. He has spoken at international meetings on similar topics and whilst completing his Masters in Biomedical Engineering designed a prototype for an arterovenous anastomotic stent.
Dr Harden has commenced a VATS lobectomy program at Royal North Shore and North Shore Private Hospital.

编辑: yuxh    来源:丁香园