同样是 80 后:我们在做实验 他们却成了博导


年初,27 岁女学霸陆盈盈成为浙大博导一度成为热点,让大众开始关注 80 后博导。不理不知道,一理吓一跳。 80 后的博士生导师都开始登上科研舞台,成为中坚力量。让我们阅完兵,一起来看看那些 80 后博导。



陆盈盈博士,女,特聘研究员。2010 年 6 月毕业于浙江大学化学工程与生物工程学院,获得学士学位,2014 年 6 月获得美国康奈尔大学(Cornell University)博士学位;博士毕业后在康奈尔大学和斯坦福大学(Stanford University)从事能源材料领域博士后研究工作。2015 年入选「青年***」;将于 2015 年 8 月全职回浙江大学工作。


1. Y. Lu*, Z. Tu*, and L. A. Archer, Stable lithium electrodeposition in liquid and nanoporous solid electrolytes, Nat. Mater. 13, 961-969, 2014. (*: authors contributed equally to this work)

2.  Y. Lu, S. K. Das, S. S. Moganty, L. A. Archer, Ionic liquid-nanoparticle hybrid electrolytes and their application in secondary lithium-metal batteries, Adv. Mater. 24, 4430-4435, 2012. This paper has been highlighted in Nature Materials | Research Highlights: V. J. Dusastre, Hybrid electrolytes, Nat. Mater. 11, 745, 2012.

3.  Y. Lu, K. Korf, Y. Kambe, and L. A. Archer, Ionic liquid-nanoparticle hybrid electrolytes: applications in lithium metal batteries, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 53,488-492, 2014.

4.  Y. Lu, M. Tikekar, R. Mohanty, K. Hendrickson, L. Ma, L. A. Archer, Stable cycling of lithium metal batteries, Adv. Energy Mater. DOI: 10.1002/aenm.201402073.

5. Y. Lu, S. S. Moganty, J. L. Schaefer, L. A. Archer, Ionic liquid-nanoparticle hybrid electrolytes, J. Mater. Chem. 22, 4066-4072, 2012.

6. Y. Lu, Z. Tu, J. Shu, L. A. Archer, Stable lithium electrodeposition in salt-reinforced electrolytes, J. Power Sources 279, 413-418, 2015.

7. Y. Lu, S. Xu, J. Shu, W. I. A. Aladat, L. A. Archer, High voltage LIB cathodes enabled by salt-reinforced liquid electrolytes, Electrochem. Comm. 51, 23-26, 2015.

8. K. S. Korf*, Y. Lu*, Y. Kambe, L. A. Archer, Piperidinium Tethered Nanoparticle-hybrid Electrolyte for Lithium Metal Batteries, J. Mater. Chem. A 2, 11866-11873, 2014. (*: authors contributed equally to this work)

9. S. Xu, Y. Lu, and L. A. Archer, A Rechargeable Na-CO2/O2 battery enabled by stable nanoparticle hybrid electrolytes J. Mater. Chem. A 2, 17723-17729, 2014.

10. Y. H. Wen, Y. Lu, K. M. Dobosz, and L. A. Archer, Structure, Ion Transport and Rheology of Nanoparticle Salts, Macromolecules 47(13), 4479-4492, 2014.

11. L. Ma, H. Zhuang, Y. Lu, S. S. Moganty, R. Hennig, L. A. Archer, Tethered Molecular Sorbents: Enabling Metal-Sulfur Battery Cathodes, Adv. Energy Mater. DOI:10.1003/aenm.201400390.

12. Z. Tu, Y. Kambe, Y. Lu, L. A. Archer, Nanoparticle polymer-ceramic composite electrolytes for lithium metal batteries, Adv. Energy Mater. 4, 1300654, 2014.

13. S. K. Das, S. Xu, A.-H. Emwas, Y. Lu, S. Srivastava, L. A. Archer, High energy lithium-oxygen batteries-transport barriers and thermodynamics, Energy Environ. Sci.5, 8927-8931, 2012.

14. S. S. Moganty, S. Srivastava, Y. Lu, J. L. Schaefer, S. A. Rizvi, L. A. Archer, Ionic liquid-tethered nanoparticle suspensions: a novel class of ionogels, Chem. Mater. 24, 1386-1392, 2012.

15. J. L. Schaefer, Y. Lu, S. S. Moganty, P. Agarwal, N. Jayaprakash, L. A. Archer, Electrolytes for high-energy batteries, Applied Nanoscience 2, 99-109, 2012.

16. Z. Yao, J. Zhang, M. Chen, B. Li, Y. Lu, K. Cao, Preparation of well-defined block copolymer having one polystyrene segment and another poly(styrene-alt-maleic anhydride) segment with RAFT polymerization, J. Appl. Poly. Sci. 121(3), 1740-1746, 2011.




邓鹤翔,男,1985 年 4 月生,湖北武汉人,博士,现任武汉大学化学与分子科学学院教授,国家青年***入选者(2012 年)。 2007 年在复旦大学取得学士学位,早期在赵东元院士课题组从事介孔材料研究。2011 年在加州大学洛杉矶分校(UCLA)取得化学博士学位,导师为 OmarYaghi 教授,研究方向为晶态纳米孔材料 MOFs 的系统性设计与合成,同年获得国家优秀自费留学生奖学金。2012 至 2013 年先后在加州大学洛杉矶分校、加州大学伯克利分校劳伦斯国家实验室(LBNL)从事博士后研究工作。2013 年初加入武汉大学化学与分子科学学院,任青年学科带头人。


1.Deng, H., Grunder, S., Cordova, K., Valente, C., Furukawa, H., Hmadeh, M., Gándara, F., Walley, A. C., Liu, Z., Asahina, S., Kazumori,O』Keeffe, M., Terasaki, O., Stoddart, J. F., & Yaghi, O.M. Large pore apertures in a series of metal-organic frameworks. Science 336, 1018-1023 (2012)

2.Deng, H., Olson, M. A., Stoddart, J. F., & Yaghi, O. M.Robust dynamics. Nature Chem. 2, 439-443 (2010)

3.Deng, H., Doonan, C. J., Furukawa, H, Ferreira, R. B., Towne, J., Knobler, C.B., Wang, B., & Yaghi, O. M. Multiple functional groups of varying ratios in metal-organic frameworks. Science 327, 846-850 (2010)


2012 年入选「***(青年)」

2011 年获国家优秀自费留学生奖学金

2011 年获美国化学协会年会学生奖学金, UCLA

2010 年获优秀研究生奖, UCLA

2010 年获美国化学协会年会学生奖学金, UCLA

2003-2007 年获复旦大学优秀学生奖学金

2003 年获中国高中生化学竞赛全国一等奖,冬令营银牌



钟波,1983 年 12 月出生,教授。2001 年考入中国地质大学外国语学院,英语专业;2003 年考入武汉大学生命科学学院,生物科学专业。2005 年考入武汉大学生命科学学院,细胞生物学,师从舒红兵院士。

主要从事抗病毒天然免疫信号转导以及 IL-17 细胞因子家族介导的炎症反应与自身免疫性疾病发生机制的研究。我们主要以表达克隆-报告基因、酵母双杂交以及蛋白质组学等多种手段,筛选参与调控抗病毒天然免疫以及炎症反应过程的蛋白,并通过基因敲除、转基因小鼠以及动物疾病模型研究这些蛋白在调控病毒感染、自身免疫性疾病以及炎症反应-肿瘤发生等过程中的功能与机制。


1. Liu XK*, Li HX*, Zhong B*, Gorjestani S, Yan M, Tian Q, Zhang DE, Lin X and Dong C. USP18 regulates Th17 differentiation by inhibiting TAB1/TAK1 activation of NF-κB pathway. (2013). The Journal of Experimental Medicine Accepted. (*Co-first authors)

2. Zhong B, Liu XK, Wang XH, Liu XD, Li HX, Darnay BR, Lin X, Sun SC and Dong C. Ubiquitin-specific Protease 25 regulates TLR4-dependent innate immune response through deubiquitination of the adaptor protein TRAF3. (2013). Science Signaling. In press.

3. Zhong B, Liu XK, Wang XH, Chang SH, Liu XD, Wang AB, Reynolds JM, and Dong C. Negative regulation of IL-17-mediated signaling and inflammation by the ubiquitin-specific protease USP25. (2012). Nature Immunology, 13, 1110-17.

4. Liu XD, Yan X, Zhong B, Nurieva RI, Wang A, Wang X, Martin-Orozco N, Wang Y, Chang SH, Esplugues E, Flavell RA, Tian Q, Dong C. Bcl6 expression specifies the T follicular helper cell program in vivo. (2012). The Journal of Experimental Medicine 209:1841-52.

5. Xu T*, Wang X*, Zhong B, Nurieva RI, Ding S, Dong C. Ursolic acid suppresses interleukin-17 (IL-17) production by selectively antagonizing the function of RORgamma t protein. (2011). The Journal of Biological Chemistry 286, 22707-10.

6. Lei CQ, Zhong B, Zhang Y, Zhang J, Wang S and Shu HB. Glycogen synthase kinase 3β regulates IRF3 transcription factor-mediated antiviral response via activation of the kinase TBK1. (2010). Immunity. 33, 878-89.

7. Zhong B, Zhang Y, Tan B, Liu TT, Wang YY and Shu HB. The E3 ubiquitin ligase RNF5 targets virus-induced signaling adaptor for ubiquitination and degradation.(2010). The Journal of Immunology 184, 6249-6255.

8. Zhong B, Wang YY and Shu HB. Regulation of virus-triggered type I interferon signaling by cellular and viral proteins. (2010).Frontier in Biology 5, 12-31.

9. Zhong B, Zhang L, Lei CQ, Li Y., Mao AP, Yang Y, Wang YY, Zhang XL and Shu HB. The ubiquitin ligase RNF5 regulates antiviral responses by mediating degradation of the adaptor protein MITA. (2009). Immunity 30, 397-407.

10. Zhong B, Yang Y, Li S, Wang YY, Li Y, Diao FC, Lei CQ, He X, Zhang L, Tien, P and Shu HB. The adapter protein MITA links virus-sensing receptors to IRF3 transcription factor activation. (2008). Immunity 29, 538–550.

11. Zhong B, Tien P and Shu HB. Innate immune responses: crosstalk of signaling and regulation of gene transcription. (2006).Virology 352, 14-21.






2008-2012,美国加州大学圣塔巴巴拉分校,导师:Alan J. Heeger 教授(2000年诺贝尔化学奖获得者);Kevin W. Plaxco 教授






编辑: weicf    来源:丁香园
