Dr. Ruhi Cakir
Turkey (土耳其)
简介: Ruhi Cakir, 医学博士。1959 年出生于土耳其伊斯坦布尔。全科医学、抗衰老医学、儿科专家。擅长三氧疗法。国际三氧科学委员会 ISCO3 的会员。土耳其 Mediozon 诊所的创办人和首席执行官。
Introduction:Dr. Ruhi Cakir, was born in Istanbul, Turkey in 1959. He is a MD. MsC., a specialist in Pediatrics, Family Medicine, Ozone Therapy, PRP and Anti-Aging Expert. He is a member of ISCO3 (International Scientific Committee of Ozone), the founder and CEO of Mediozon Clinics.
Lecture:Caudal and Epidural Ozone Injections in Low Back Pain Cases