Marcus Notter


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Marcus Notter

Switzerland (瑞士)

简介:Marcus Notter 博士, 曾于伯尔尼大学学习医学,1983 年毕业后从事肿瘤放射工作。1984 年开展应用浅表热疗治疗疾病。自 1988 年开始引入 BSD2000 深部热疗系统,成为欧洲首先使用此系统的专家之一。2005 年至今,担任拉绍德封市纳沙泰尔国立医院肿瘤放射中心主任。 2009 年开始,开展温控红外线热疗提高复发性乳腺癌二次治疗的疗效。

Introduction: After his graduation from the University of Berne in Switzerland 1983, Dr. Notter started to work at the state hospital in Aarau as a radiation oncologist. In 1984, Dr. Notter started to engage in superficial hyperthermia. In 1988, he established the former team deep hyperthermia with the BSD 2000 System as one of the first clinics in Europe. In 2005, he took over the chair of the radiation oncology center of the state hospital of Neuchâtel in la Chaux-de-Fonds. In September 2009 Dr. Notter started to apply thermography controlled infra red hyperthermia to improve the retreatment of recurrent breast cancer.


Lecture:Low dose re-irradiation & hyperthermia in recurrent breast cancer: perspectives and obstacle

编辑: dxy_7a9dguzr    来源:丁香园

广东祈福医院于 2001 年由祈福集团斥资 2 亿美元建成,首期开放病床 600 张,2017 年 10 月二期大楼投入使用后,医院病床新增 1500 张,未来总数更可增至 3000 张。

医院拥有酒店园林式的环境、先进的医疗设备和技术、逾千名国内外专业医护药技人员,设有大型现代化门诊部、住院部和急救中心。门诊部设置 40 多个临床医技科室,近 200 个门诊诊室,中西医内科、外科、妇科、儿科等专科俱全,自然医学中心、肿瘤综合治疗中心、国际诊疗中心独具特色,为病人提供优质、合理、独特、高效的医学服务。

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