Alexander Herzog
Germany (德国)
简介:Alexander Herzog 教授, 早年在德国与英国学习。是一名肿瘤内科主任医生。在德国癌症研究所工作期间,主要研究T细胞介导的免疫反应对癌细胞的影响。目前,他担任西班牙Svilla大学教授,德国Herzong医院院长。
Introduction: During 1977 – 1985, Dr. Alexander Herzog studied medicine in Heidelberg, Germany, and in Edinburgh, Scotland, and did scientific research in immunology at the German-Cancer-Research-Center (DKFZ) in Heidelberg with a main focus on Induction of T-cell mediated immune reactions against cancer cells. In 1986, Dr. Herzog started to engage himself in internal medicine and oncology in the medical University hospital in Heidelberg. He served as a consultant and head physician at different cancer hospitals from 1993 to 2002, and a medical director of Dr. Herzog’s hospital in Nidda/Hessen from 2002 to 2007. Dr. Herzog currently holds the position as a teaching professor at the University of Sevilla, Spain.
Lecture:Lower and less toxic doses of chemotherapy by combining it with hyperthermia and complementary treatments
Lecture:Science-based complementary treatment programs in cancer coordinated with conventional treatments