
第十一届国际脑血管病高峰论坛 约吗?


第 11 届国际脑血管病高峰论坛定于 2015 年 6 月 12-14 日在南京召开。

在世界卒中组织(World Stroke Organization, WSO)的倡议和指导下,国际脑血管病高峰论坛秉承协作、互助、提高的精神,以神经介入技术的革新和神经系统疾病的进展为切入点,开展广泛深入的交流活动。会议与国际血管和介入神经病学会会刊 Interventional Neurology 合作,每年会议的优秀论文都将在该杂志发表,以期为每位参会者提供一个崭新的交流平台。


大会开幕在即,亲爱的朋友们,约吗?本次会议时间:2015 年 6 月 12-14 日,会议地点:江苏省会议中心(南京钟山宾馆)南京市中山东路 307 号。我们真诚地邀请您来参会,预祝您参会愉快!

附:11th ISS 外邀专家介绍

David S Liebeskind

Professor of Neurology, Director of Neurovascular Imaging Research Core, Director of Outpatient Stroke and Neurovascular Programs, Director of UCLA Cerebral Blood Flow Laboratory, Director of UCLA Vascular Neurology Residency Program, Associate Neurology Director of UCLA Stroke Center.

Raul G Nogueira

Director, Neuroendovascular Service, Marcus Stroke & Neuroscience Center, Grady Memorial Hospital, Associate Professor of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Radiology, Emory University School of Medicine.

Vitor Mendes Pereira

Head of interventional Neuroradiology, University Hospitals of Geneva, Switzerland.

John Zhang

Professor of Department of Neurosurgery and Physiology, Loma Linda University.

Bernard Yan

Neurologist and Neurointerventionist Comprehensive Stroke Centre Division of Neurosciences Royal Melbourne Hospital.

Jaseong Koo

Clinical Professor of Neurology, Director of Cerebrovascular Center, Seoul St. Mary’s Hospital, The Catholic University of Korea.

Thomas W. Leung

Associate Professor of Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, Prince of Wales Hospital, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.

编辑: namei314    来源:丁香园