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诺和诺德公司的历史最早可追溯至1923年,80多年来一直是世界糖尿病研究和药物开发领域的主导。诺和诺德总部位于丹麦首都哥本哈根,现在全球79个国家设有分支机构,6个国家设有生产厂,截至08年底,员工超过 27,000名,销售遍及180个国家。



Antonio Ceriello教授:餐后血糖控制的重要性

发布日期:2009-12-09 17:35 文章来源:丁香园
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关键词: 诺和锐 诺和诺德 novonordisk Antonio Ceriello 糖尿病   点击次数:

Importance of PPG control in the treatment of diabetes

Dr. Antonio Ceriello
Professor of Endocrinology
Department of Pathology and Medicine
University of Udine, Italy 

Antonio Ceriello教授指出,大量研究证实餐后高血糖是大血管疾病的独立危险因素。也正是因此,IDF专门发布了PPG控制指南,强调其危害并指出降低PPG可减少血管事件。



People with type 2 diabetes consistently demonstrate elevated postprandial plasma glucose (PPG) levels compared to normal individuals, which results from insufficient prandial insulin secretion. Postprandial plasma glucose has previously been linked to macrovascular complications and cardiovascular mortality. Recently, the IDF has developed  recommendations from evidence-based medicine for the management of PPG. Professor Ceriello will examine these recommendations and the purpose for the following evidence statements:

1) Postprandial hyperglycaemia is harmful and should be addressed
2) Implement treatment strategies to lower postprandial plasma glucose in people with postprandial hyperglycaemia

The use of prandial insulin therapy such as premix analogues can be used as a means to reduce PPG excursions and improve insulin resistance thereby diminishing the harmful effects of inadequate glycaemic control.


Antonio Ceriello教授:餐后血糖控制的重要性


 查看分页PPT http://meeting.dxy.cn/2009asia_summit/article/i9917.html 

编辑: xiaoyan 作者:丁香园通讯员
