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现身说法:从科学家到创业者的华丽转身(Albert Yu)

发布日期:2010-02-08 17:41 文章来源:<a href='http://www.dxy.cn'>丁香园</a>
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现身说法:从科学家到创业者的华丽转身(Albert Yu) 

From Scientists to Entrepreneur: A Real Story(Albert Yu)

Albert Yu, PhD - Chariman & CEO, Hai Kang Life Corporation Ltd.

科学家到创业者的华丽转身(Albert Yu)

附:Albert Yu 简历


Dr. Yu is a renowned neuroscientist and bio-entrepreneur. Educated in North America, Professor Yu is the Vice-Director of the Neuroscience Research Institute, Professor of the Department of Neurobiology and also a Professor at the Infectious Disease Center at Peking University. His broad cross-cultural experience base and active involvement in both the academic and business environment has led to the strategic vision behind the success of the HK Life team. Also, with a global network and an expanding base of established contacts in China, Prof. Yu has been an important facilitator of dialogue regarding the development of biotechnology in Asia.

After receiving his BSc, MSc and PhD from the University of Saskatchewan, Canada, Prof. Yu moved to the University of California at San Francisco and subsequently spent four years at Stanford University and was honored with the status of Visiting Associate Professor. Upon returning to Hong Kong, he joined the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology as a faculty member. Prof.

编辑: jurgen    作者:丁香园通讯员

