吕克-蒙塔尼 详细 >>
巴尔-西诺西 详细 >>
哈拉尔德-楚尔- ... 详细 >>
豪森,德国人,出生于1936年,36岁担任德国埃朗根-纽伦堡大学病毒学教授,并开始研究人乳头状瘤病毒(HPV)等病毒与宫颈癌之间的关系。他用了十多年时间终于发现某些类型的HPV就是宫颈癌的病原体,这一发现为开发出宫颈癌疫苗打下了基础。豪森现任职于德国癌症研究中心。[ 详细 ]
热门点评 更多 >>
- awdawdwad
- 123
- 123321"<hr
- 123"<hr
- 123
- 希望能够早日研究成功
- 强!
- 榜样
- 通过修饰某些基因序列(非编码区),因为非编码区调空基因 ...
- 天道酬勤
- 厉害哦
- 方法和观念很重要
- 牛得很!
- 还需要 10年 等于没说啊 希望能早点吧 加油
- 强
- 好厉害啊
- 希望结果是令人振奋的
- 天道酬勤
- 值得研究研究!
- 等日本人能拿了我们也就快了
- 中国经济上去了,医药行业投入多了,举国体制建起了,中国 ...
- 中国经济上去了,医药行业投入多了,举国体制建起了,中国 ...
- 中国经济上去了,医药行业投入多了,举国体制建起了,中国 ...
- 中国经济上去了,医药行业投入多了,举国体制建起了,中国 ...
Françoise Barré-Sinoussi (born 30 July 1947, Paris, France) is a French virologist and director of the Unité de Régulation des Infections Rétrovirales at the Institut Pasteur in Paris, France. Barré-Sinoussi performed some of the fundamental work in the identification of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) as the cause of AIDS. In 2008, she was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, together with her colleague Luc Montagnier, for their discovery of HIV.
Academic career
Barré-Sinoussi joined the Pasteur Institute in Paris in the early 1970s. Her research quickly turned to a particular group of viruses, the retroviruses. Her knowledge in this field led her to discover the AIDS virus in 1983. This discovery showed the urgent need of diagnostic tests to control the disease. She works on the impact of the innate defences of the host in controlling HIV/AIDS, as well as mother to child transmission. She has co-authored over 200 scientific publications, has participated in over 250 international conferences, and has trained many young researchers.
Barré-Sinoussi has actively contributed to several scientific societies and committees at the Institut Pasteur as well as to other AIDS organizations, such as the National Agency for AIDS Research in France. She has also been implicated at an international level, notably as a consultant to the WHO and the UNAIDS-HIV.
Since the 1980s, Barré-Sinoussi has initiated collaborations with developing countries whereby she has managed multidisciplinary networks with dedication. She constantly works on establishing permanent links between basic research and clinical research with the aim of achieving concrete improvements in the areas of prevention, clinical care, and treatment.
Françoise Barré-Sinoussi发表的综述>>
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