" Doctor of Medicine (MD) from the Medical School of the State University of New York at Buffalo
" Board-certified clinical specialist in Radiation Oncology by the American Board of Radiology, USA
" Board-certified clinical specialist in Radiation Oncology by the Singapore
Specialty Board, Republic of Singapore
" Masters of Business and Administration (MBA) from the Univ. of California at Los Angeles
" Masters of Business and Administration (MBA) from the National University of Singapore
" Distinguished Clinical Professor, Cancer Hospital of Fudan University, Shanghai
" Distinguished Executive Editor, Journal of China Oncology
" Member of Editorial Board, Asian-Pacific Journal of Clinical Oncology
" Adjunct Professor (Corporate) of the MBA Center of the International School of Business and Management, Shanghai University
" Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry from the Undergraduate Division of the State University of New York at Buffalo
Postgraduate Training
" University of Miami, Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center, Postdoctoral Specialty Training in Radiation Oncology, 1997-2001
" University of Buffalo, Sisters Hospital, Postdoctoral Specialty Training in Internal Medicine, 1996-1997
" State University of New York at Buffalo, School of Medicine, MD(Magna Cum Laude), 1992-1996
" University of California at Los Angeles, Anderson School of Management, MBA, 2004-2005
" National University of Singapore, School of Management, MBA, 2004-2005
" State University of New York at Buffalo, Undergraduate, BS Biochemistry(Summa Cum Laude), 1988-1992
Board Certification
" Diplomate, American Board of Radiology, 2001
" The Science and Education Award to the "Advances in the management of commonly diagnosed cancers", by the Shanghai Municipal Government, 2007
" The Critical Project of the 11th 5-Year Development Project Award to the "Advances in the management of commonly diagnosed cancers", by the Shanghai Municipal Government, 2007
" Roentgen Resident/Fellow Research Award, by Radiology Society of North America Research and Education Foundation, 2001
" National Cancer Institute (USA) Medical Student Research Fellowship, 1992
Career History
Distinguished Clinical Professor (Visiting) 2/2007 to present
Facilitated in the establishment of clinical research competency of various department of the hospital. Being invited to assist the senior management in the development of VIP service for private cancer patient care.
Consultant Physician 2003 to present
Provide clinical service to cancer patients. Assisted department chief and director of The Cancer Institute for external collaboration in both research and service expansion.
Associate Consultant Physician 2002 to 2003
Provide clinical service to cancer patients.
Senior Registrar 2001 to 2002
Provide clinical service to cancer patients.
Director, Post-graduate Clinical Research 2002 to 2005
Chief Resident in Radiation Oncology 2000 to 2001
Resident in Radiation Oncology 1997 to 2000
Resident in Internal Medicine 1996 to 1997
Collaborative Research Projects and Protocols
" Co-PI: Prognostic significance of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), epidermal epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), and cyclooxygenase-2 protein levels in locally advanced nasopharyngeal carcinoma. (Collaborative research project with the Fujan Provincial Cancer Hospital, Fuzhou, Fujian, P.R. China)
" Co-PI: Prognostic significance of ATM-SMC1 pathway in locally advanced rectal carcinoma after neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy. (Collaborative research project for the Nature Science Foundation Grant of China application with the Cancer Hospital of Fudan University, Shanghai, P.R. China)
" Co-PI: The significance of alterations in gene expression in microenvironment by EBV in the development and progression of nasopharyngeal carcinoma. (Collaborative research project for the Nature Science Foundation Grant of China application with the Cancer Hospital of Fudan University, Shanghai, P.R. China)
" PI: Concurrent Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy for Stage II Nasopharyngeal Carcinomas: An International Multi-Institutional Prospective Phase II Trial. (Single institutional study at The Cancer Institute at National University Hospital, Singapore)
Peer-Reviewed Journal Publications
(* Denotes co-first authorship)
1. Zhang Q, Lu JJ*, Yang Z, Peng L, Xiong F, Shen F. Intraoperative radiotherapy combined with adjuvant chemoradiotherapy for locally advanced adenocarcinoma of the stomach. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys, 2007, (submitted)
2. Peng J, Lu JJ*, Zhu J, Xu Y, Lu H, Lian P, Cai G, Cai S. Prediction of locoregional recurrence by CD44v6 after total mesorectal resection for locally advanced rectal cancer. Cancer J, 2007 (submitted)
3. Zhang Q, Shen F, Liu T, Peng L, Huang G, Lu JJ. Adjuvant Intra-Operative Electron Radiotherapy and External Beam Radiotherapy for Locally Advanced Transitional Cell Carcinoma of the Ureter. Urol Oncol, 2007, (submitted)
4. Lu JJ, Kong L, Shakespeare TP, Loh KST, Zhang Q, Lee KM, Tan TKL. Prospective Phase II Trial of Concomitant Boost Radiotherapy for Stage II Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma. Oral Oncology, 2007, (submitted)
5. Guo Y, Lu JJ*, Ma X, Wang B, Hong X, Li X, Li J. Combined chemoradiation for the management of nasal natural killer (NK)/T-cell lymphoma: elucidating the significance of systemic chemotherapy. Oral Oncol, 2007, (in press)
6. Shakespeare TP, Gebski VJ, Tang J, Zhang X, Lim K, Lu JJ, Jiang G. Influence of the way results are presented on research interpretation and medical decision making: the PRIMER Collaboration randomized studies. Medical Decision Making, 2007, (in press)
7. Wang B, Lu JJ*, Ma X, Guo Y, Lu H, Hong X, Li J. Combined Chemotherapy and External Beam Radiation for Stage IE and IIE Natural Killer T-Cell Lymphoma of Nasal Cavity. Leukaemia and Lymphoma, 2007, 48(2): 396-402.
8. Lu JJ, Wu M. Targeted therapy of advanced hepatocellular carcinoma. China Medical Tribune, 2007, March 1.
9. Tey J, Back MF, Shakespeare TP, Mukherjee RK, Lu JJ, Lee KM, Wong LC, Leong CN, Zhu M. The role of palliative radiation therapy in symptomatic locally advanced gastric cancer. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys, 2007, 67(2): 358-8
10. Ma X, Zhang Z, Lu JJ, He S. The significance of post-treatment CT in evaluating the prognosis of nasopharyngeal carcinoma after definitive radiotherapy. J China Oncol, 2007, 17(2): 151-4.
11. Lu JJ, Guo Y. Advances in the targeted therapy of cancer: Multi-targeted Raf kinase inhibitor. J China Oncol, 2007, 17(1): 1-7.
12. Li J, Guo Y, Lu JJ. Targeted therapy of metastatic renal cell carcinoma. J China Oncol, 2007, 17(1): 24-28.
13. Lin K, Lu JJ*, Hu C, Guo X, Wu Y, Zhang Y. The risk of second primary tumor in patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma after definitive Radiotherapy. Cancer, 2006, 107: 1287-93.
14. Ma X, Lu JJ*, Loh KST, Shakespeare TP, Thiagarajan A, Goh BC, Tan TKL. Role of CT imaging in predicting response of nasopharyngeal carcinoma to definitive radiation therapy. Laryngoscope, 2006, 116(12): 2162-65.
15. Han S, Zhang Q, Lu JJ. Management of stage IB, Stage II, and locally advanced cancer of uterine cervix. J China Oncol, 2006, 16(11): 890-5.
16. Lu JJ, Shakespeare TP, Thiagarajan A, Zhang XJ, Tan TKL. Prospective phase II trial of concomitant boost radiotherapy for stage II nasopharyngeal Carcinoma: An evaluation of response and toxicity. Laryngoscope, 2006, 115: 806-10.
17. Leong CN, Shakespeare TP, Mukherjee RK, Back MF, Lee KM, Lu JJ, Wynne CJ, Lim K, Tang J, Zhang X. Efficacy of an Integrated Continuing Medical Education (CME) and Quality Improvement (QI) program on Radiation Oncologist (RO) clinical practice. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys, 2006, 66(5): 1457-60.
18. Lu JJ, Back MF. Therapy for small-cell lung cancer (SCLC): Current status and advances. J China Oncol, 2006, 16(8): 609-14.
19. Shakespeare TP, Back MF, Lu JJ, Lee KM, Mukherjee RK. External audit of clinical practice and medical decision making in a new Asian oncology center: results and implications for both developing and developed nations. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys, 2006, 64(3): 941-7.
20. Wong AS, Soo RA, Lu JJ, Loh KS, Tan KS, Hsieh WS, Shakespeare TP, Chua ET, Lim HL, Goh BC. Paclitaxel, 5-fluorouracil and hydroxyurea concurrent with radiation in locally advanced nasopharyngeal carcinoma. Ann Oncol, 2006, 17(7): 1152-7.
21. Shakespeare TP, Lim KHC, Lee KM, Back MF, Mukherjee R, Lu JJ. Phase II study of the American Brachytherapy Society guidelines for the use of high dose rate (HDR) brachytherapy in the treatment of cervical carcinoma: is 45-50.4Gy radiochemotherapy plus 31.8Gy in 6 fractions HDR brachytherapy tolerable? Int J Gyn Oncol, 2006, 16: 27-282,
22. Thiagarajan A, Lin K, Tiong CE, Tan LK, Loh TK, Goh BC, Lu JJ. Sequential external beam radiotherapy and high-dose-rate intracavitary brachytherapy in T1 and T2 nasopharyngeal carcinoma: an evaluation of long-term outcome. Laryngoscope, 2006, 116(6): 938-43.
23. Shakespeare TP, Gebski VJ, Thiagarajan A, Lu JJ. Development of a spreadsheet for the calculation of new tools to improve the reporting of the results of medical research. Med Inform Internet Med, 2006, 31(2): 121-7.
24. Loh KS, Goh BC, Lu JJ, Hsieh WS, Tan L. Familial nasopharyngeal carcinoma in a cohort of 200 patients. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg, 2006, 132(1): 82-5.
25. Tang JI, Back MF, Lu JJ, Mukherjee R, Wynne CJ, Shen L, Shakespeare TP: Interpreting the improved out of patients with central nerve system metastases managed in clinical trials compared with standard hospital practice. Australas Radiol, 2005, 49(5): 390-5.
26. Wong EL, Goh BC, Lu JJ. Combined management of non-small cell lung cancer: current status and perspective. J China Oncol, 2005, 15(3): 201-5.
27. Shakespeare TP, Mukherjee RK, Lu JJ, Lee KM, Back MF. Evaluation of an audit with feedback continuing medical education program for radiation oncologists. J Cancer Educ, 2005, 20(4):216-21.
28. Tang JI, Shakespeare TP, Zhang XJ, Lu JJ, Liang S, Wynne CJ, Mukherjee RK, Back MF. Patient satisfaction with doctor-patient interaction in a radiotherapy centre during the severe acute respiratory syndrome outbreak. Australas Radiol, 2005, 49(4): 304-11.
29. Lu JJ, Shakespeare TP, Tan TKL, Goh BC, Cooper JS. Adjuvant Fractionated High-Dose-Rate Intracavitary Brachytherapy after External Beam Radiotherapy in T1 and T2 Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma. Head Neck, 2004, 26: 389-95.
30. Lu JJ, Shakespeare T, Goh BC, Chua ET, Back M, Mukherjee R, Wynne C, Kim Tan KSL. Adjuvant high-dose rate brachytherapy after chemoradiation for treatment of early T-stage nasopharyngeal carcinoma. Am J Clinical Oncology, 2004, 27(2): 132-35.
31. Kumar MB, Lu JJ, Loh KS, Chong LM, Soo R, Goh BC, Tan LKS, Shakespeare TP. Tailoring distant metastatic imaging for patients with clinically localized undifferentiated nasopharyngeal carcinoma. Int J Radiation Oncology Biology Physics, 2004, 58(3): 688-93.
32. Lu JJ, Bains YS, Wolfson A, Donna E, Brandon AH, Raub W, Markoe A. High Dose Rate Endobronchial Brachytherapy for the Management of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer with an Endobronchial or Peribronchial Component. Cancer Therapy, 2004, 2: 455-60.
33. Lim KH, Lu JJ, Wynne CJ, Back MF, Mukherjee R, Razvi K, Shakespeare TP. A Study of Complications arising from Different Methods of Analgesia used in Brachytherapy for Cervical Cancer. Am J Clin Oncol, 2004, 27(5): 449-51.
34. Shakespeare TP, Back MF, Lu JJ, Wynne CJ, Bloomfield L. Design of an internationally accredited radiation oncology training program incorporating novel educational models. Int J Radiation Oncology Biology Physics, 2004, 59(4): 1157-1162.
35. Chung HT, Shakespeare TP, Wynne CJ, Lu JJ, Mukherjee RK, Back MF. Evaluation of a radiotherapy protocol based on INT0116 for completely resected gastric adenocarcinoma. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys, 2004, 59(5): 1446-53.
36. Shakespeare TP, Mukherjee RK, Lu JJ, Wynne CJ, Kumar MB, Back MF. A comparison of RANZCR and Singapore-designed Radiation Oncology practice audit instruments: how does reproducibility affect future approaches to revalidation? Australa Radiol, 2004, 48: 195-203.
37. Shakespeare TP, Lu JJ, Back MF, Liang S, Rahul RK, Wynne CJ. Patient preference for radiotherapy fractionation schedule in the palliation of painful bone metastases. J Clin Oncol, 2003, 21(11): 2156-62.
38. Mukherjee RK, Back MF, Lu JJ, Shakespeare TP, Wynne CJ. Hiding in the bunker: Challenges for a radiation oncology department operating in the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome outbreak. Australa Radiol, 2003, 47(2):143-5.
39. Ong KJ, Back MF, Lu JJ, Shakespeare TS, Wynne CJ. Cultural attitudes to cancer management in traditional south-east Asian patients. Australa Radiol, 2002, 46(4): 370-4.
40. Lu JJ, Bains YS, Wahab M, Brandon AH, Wolfson A, Raub W, Wilkinson C, Markoe A. High-dose-rate remote after-loading intracavitary brachytherapy for the treatment of extrahepatic biliary duct carcinoma. Cancer J, 2002, 8: 74-78.
41. Wolfson A, Bains YS, Lu JJ, Sridhar K, Raub W, Markoe A: A Trial comparing hyperfractionated prophylactic cranial irradiation versus no prophylactic cranial irradiation in patients with limited stage small cell lung cancer with complete response to chemotherapy and consolidative radiotherapy. Am J Clin Oncol, 2001, 24: 290-5.
42. Lin S, Linzer D, Lu JJ, Raub W, Villalobos H, Ting J, Wu X, Landy H, Berti A, Markoe A: Local control of large primary brain tumors or metastasis treated by Leksell Gamma Knife stereotactic radiosurgery: an analysis of dose-volume considerations, local control and complications. J Radiosurgery, 1999, 2(3).
Book Chapters
1. Lu JJ. How to write a research paper and get it published in an SCI journal. Shanghai: Shanghai Science and Technology Publishing Co., 2007.
2. Lu JJ (Editor-in-Chief). Prostate cancer. In: Wu MC, Liao M, Lu JJ, eds, Advances in the management of commonly diagnosed cancers. Shanghai: Shanghai Science and Technology Publishing Co., 2007.
3. Lu JJ (Editor-in-Chief). Head and neck cancer. In: Wu MC, Liao M, Lu JJ, eds, Advances in the management of commonly diagnosed cancers. Shanghai: Shanghai Science and Technology Publishing Co., 2007.
4. Lu JJ (Editor-in-Chief). Gastrointestinal cancer. In: Wu MC, Liao M, Lu JJ, eds, Advances in the management of commonly diagnosed cancers. Shanghai: Shanghai Science and Technology Publishing Co., 2007.
5. Lo S, Sehgal V, Keole S, Lu JJ, Siu K, Chow CK, Kim H. Squamous cell carcinoma. Nasopharynx, Squamous Cell Carcinoma. eMedicine, Instant Access to The Minds of Medicine: http://www.emedicine.com/radio/topic551.htm
Editorial Boards
" Journal of China Oncology, Distinguished Executive Editor
" Asian-Pacific Journal of Clinical Oncology, Member of Editorial Board
Professional Affiliations
" Fellow of the Academic of Medical Science of Singapore (FAMS)
" Member of the American Radium Society (ARS)
" Member of the American Society of Therapeutic Radiation Oncology (ASTRO)
" Nominated candidate of Board of Directors and Member of the Chinese Society of Clinical Oncology (CSCO)
编辑: jurgen 作者:丁香园通讯员
