API创新论坛:创新无处不在 创新产生价值
APIs Innovation Forum
Organizer: Reed Sinopharm Exhibitions Co., Ltd.
Orient Health Electronic Commercial (Beijing) Co., Ltd.
会议时间:2008年11月6日 9:00-17:00
Time: 9:00-17:00,Nov. 6th, 2008
Venue: VIP2-1, Suzhou International Expo Center
主题/Topic | 主讲/Speaker | 职务/Position |
仿制原料药申报的质量管理和质量控制的问题和建议 The Quality Control in the Registration of Generic APIs |
| 国家食品药品监督管理局药品审评中心 Center for Drug Evaluation, SFDA |
生产企业技术创新带来质量、市场双升级的做法体会 The Improvements of Quality and Marketing Benefited from Technology Innovation | 冯胜昔 Feng Shengxi | 广州白云山化学制药厂总经理 General Manager, Baiyunshan Pharmaceutical |
世界微生物药物产业化进展与创新案例 The Development of World Microorganism Drugs and the Cases of Innovation | 向文胜 Xiang Wensheng | 教授,博士生导师,东北农业大学生命学院 Professor, College of Life Sciences, Northeast Agricultural University
绿茶类植物提取物的产业化开发与市场应用前景 The Industrialization of the Abstract of Green Tea and the Market Prospect | 余晓斌 Yue Xiaobing | 江南大学生物工程学院教授 Professor, Jiangdan University School of Biotechnology |
原料药新技术、新工艺信息发布 New Technologies and New Processing Technologies of APIs |
| Beijing Orientbit Technology Ltd.(healthoo.com) |
编辑: jurgen 作者:丁香园通讯员