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悉尼Garvan Institute教授John Mattick

发布日期:2012-09-16 22:21 文章来源:丁香园
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关键词: 默克密理博 生物高峰论坛 肿瘤 丁香园 生物专题   点击次数:


Professor John Mattick
The Garvan Institute of Medical Research today announced the appointment of Professor John Mattick AO FAA as the Institute's next Executive Director following the retirement of Professor John Shine AO FAA. Mr Bill Ferris AC, Garvan Chairman, welcomed the appointment and thanked his fellow board members for their support in the extensive international search.

In making the announcement today, Mr Ferris said:

"Professor Mattick, holder of a prestigious NHMRC Australia Fellowship at the University of Queensland and the inaugural Director of the University's Institute of Molecular Bioscience, is a pioneer in the analyses of the human genome sequence and the critical role of specific DNA sequences in the regulation of gene expression during human development and susceptibility to complex diseases such as cancer and diabetes. He will take up his appointment early in January 2012 with a mandate to further enhance not only Garvan's outstanding research through application of the latest technologies but also the translation of its discoveries into new ways to prevent and treat disease."

In accepting the appointment, Professor Mattick pointed out that "As one of the world's leading medical research institutes with exciting programs in cancer, diabetes and obesity, immunology, neuroscience and osteoporosis, Garvan is well placed to play a leadership role in translating the amazing developments in modern biomedical research into real improvements in health care and quality of life. The joint initiative with St Vincent's Hospital in establishing The Kinghorn Cancer Centre will enable Garvan's research discoveries to make a real difference in the prevention and treatment of this devastating disorder. This however is only the beginning - the future for Garvan will be to ensure that this paradigm is expanded to all of our research areas. It is an honour to be given the opportunity to lead the Institute at this time  - a time which promises transformational insights into disease and a time when we can make undreamt of improvements in quality of life for all in the community."

Professor Shine, who has guided the development of Garvan since 1990, applauded the appointment, remarking that "it is of immense satisfaction, both personally and on behalf of all the dedicated Garvan staff, that we have been able to attract someone of John Mattick's stature to lead the Institute at a time of enormous promise to contribute to the health and well being of our community. I have no doubt that under John's guidance the Garvan will reach new heights of international acclaim as an iconic Australian institution."

The Garvan Institute of Medical Research was founded in 1963. Initially a research department of St Vincent's Hospital in Sydney, it is now one of Australia's largest medical research institutions with over 500 scientists, students and support staff. Garvan's main research programs are: Cancer, Diabetes & Obesity, Immunology and Inflammation and Neuroscience. Garvan's mission is to make significant contributions to medical science that will change the directions of science and medicine and have major impacts on human health. The outcome of Garvan's discoveries is the development of better methods of diagnosis, treatment, and ultimately, prevention of disease.

All media enquiries should be directed to:
Alison Heather
?Science Communications Manager?
M: + 61 434 071 326
?P: +61 2 9295 8128
?E: a.heather "a" garvan.org.au


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