

2009.09.08 Anesthesia safety how to improve it (French experience)-让-马利-戴斯蒙

Anesthesia safety how to improve it (French experience)-让-马利-戴斯蒙Anesthesia safety how to improve it (French experience)-让-马利-戴斯蒙 

2008.11.18 Management of Malignant Bone Tumours – UK Experience

Timothy W.R. BriggsRoyal National Orthopaedic HospitalThe aim of the bone tumour surgeon is to improve thesurvival of the patient. To achieve this, a

2009.12.09 从RCT到临床实践:观察性研究的相关性


2012.06.25 实验室自动化与筛选协会2012亚洲会展

of, and improve the practice of laboratory science and technology. For more information

2009.12.09 Antonio Ceriello教授:餐后血糖控制的重要性

as a means to reduce PPG excursions and improve insulin resistance thereby

2013.10.11 Rolf Stahel教授:合作是突破研究瓶颈的关键

to your patients while do not forget we should participate researches to improve

2017.12.11 2018 亚洲临床试验创新国际峰会

, distribution and logistics』, – all of which will improve the successof your trials

2018.02.13 重磅!王拥军教授团队解读2018年美国急性缺血性卒中早期管理指南
