提高痕量分析 I:使气相色谱及气质连用的噪音和背景降至最小化以达到灵敏度的最大化
2016 年 10 月 10 日上海新国际博览中心 N1-M40 会议室
Restek corporation Company
Dr. Jaap graduated in 1979 on the paper』Fused Silica Capillary Column Technology』, He was fascinated by the many possible developments in capillary gas chromatography.
Worked 26 years with Varian, before Chrompack, developed the first chemically bonded PEG columns, and the design of the unique PLOT columns. Also made and applicated the world longest fused silica column for which a "Guiness Book of Records Certifi-cate was granted(1300m).
Published a large number of papers on various aspects of capillary column technology. In 1996 co-authored a book on adsorption chromatography with Victor Berezkin.
Most recently a new concept for fast GCMS where the separation is done at reduced pressure using 0.53 mm columns for which a patent was granted. Technology is implemented in labs with high sample throughput, that want to do fast screening using GC/MS. In 2011 this was take to a next level by positioning restriction inside the injection port.
Did many seminars at international symposia, focusing on industrial analysis field.
In 1999 received the first「presenter of the Year award at the Gulf Coast conference. For Varian/Chrompack filled the role of「chromatography ambassador」.
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