

2018.06.03 2018 ASCO 结直肠癌看点指南:第二天「壁报展览及讨论日」

标志物和新型治疗方法 (Biomarkers and New Approaches in Anorectal Cancer)时间: 12:24-12:42讨论

2010.05.25 人工肛门患者心理健康状况调查

:Objective To explore the mental health of the patients with rectal cancer who suffered... There was significant difference between the patients with rectal cancer who suffered from

2008.09.19 徐兵河教授:乳腺癌个体化治疗的进展与未来

(Cancer and Leukemia B)试验的最新回顾性研究提示,ER阳性的淋巴结阳性病人化疗的优势实杀上比ER阴性的病人小。同时,过去亚组分析中,已经提示

2008.06.26 丁香园现场采访李晔雄教授

《Journal of Cancer Research and Therapeutics》杂志,编委《Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical

2020.12.20 卡瑞利珠单抗治疗晚期肺癌患者生存期突破 2 年大关

in chemotherapy-naive patients with advanced non-squamous non-small-cell lung cancer

2016.09.23 2016 年 CSCO 全体大会召开:赫捷院士获年度成就奖

;SCI 期刊癌症杂志的「珠穆朗玛峰」——影响因子 137.578 的《CA:A Cancer Journal for Clinjicians》杂志 

2011.09.19 2011年第十四届CSCO年会优秀论文获奖名单

Placebo in Patients with Advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) Following

2007.09.20 王绿化教授:中国与美国非小细胞肺癌放射治疗模式的调查结果及临床证据基础

therapy for patients with non-small cell lung cancer between physicians in China... local treatment in patients withnon-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Pattern

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