

2008.06.14 Cancer Research》杂志常务编委Professor George C. Prendergast:IDO inhibitors—— from Bench to Bedside

Professor George C. Prendergast:IDO inhibitors—— from Bench to Bedside

2015.06.01 章真教授登上 ASCO 2015 教育讲台

美国芝加哥 2015 年 5 月 31 日中午,在 ASCO 2015 结直肠癌教育专场「Locally Advanced Rectal Cancer:Time for Change」上,来自复旦大学附属肿瘤医院的章真教授作了题为「Radiation:Short or Long Course?」的讲座,也是今年

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Gene expression profiles associated with 5-year over survival of gastric cancer patients于观贞 医学博士第二军医大学附属长征医院肿瘤科

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Professor of Department of Pulmonary Medicine of MD Anderson Cancer Center... in Interventional Pulmonology of MD Anderson Cancer Center .He is the chairman of World

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肺癌是患病率和死亡率均较高的恶性肿瘤之一,主要由NSCLC(non-small cell lung cancer,NSCLC)和非小细胞肺癌(small cell lung cancer,SCLC)组成,其中NSCLC占到肺癌80c7c以上。在过去的几十年里,随着基因测序技术的不断发展和肿瘤相关

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亦能从中获益。作者 | 黄晓曼,AME 出版社科学编辑《Lung Cancer》英文书 和 《肺癌》中文书已经正式发布,点击此处可购买:http

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2012.09.27 第三届中德肺癌论坛(CGLCF)

) Lung Cancer: Are three doses of stereotactic ablative... in Lung Cancer (肺癌手术治疗新进展) How to detect EGFR mutations

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