

2018.06.03 2018 ASCO 结直肠癌看点指南:第二天「壁报展览及讨论日」

标志物和新型治疗方法 (Biomarkers and New Approaches in Anorectal Cancer)时间: 12:24-12:42讨论

2007.09.22 叶定伟教授:中国前列腺癌的发病趋势

trends of prostate cancer in ChinaAbstract: As the incidence of prostate cancer... and management of prostate cancer. This review analyzed the epidemiologicaltrends

2008.06.25 丁香园现场采访林桐榆教授


2015.05.30 启示与创新:ASCO2015 盛大开幕

芝加哥当地时间 5 月 30 日 9 时 30 分,第 51 届美国临床肿瘤学会(ASCO)年会在 McCormick Place 盛大开幕,共约 25000 名来自全球肿瘤领域的专家、学者、企业人士参与了本届会议。本届的主题为「启示和创新」。开幕式上,首先由 Conquer Cancer

2008.09.19 徐兵河教授:乳腺癌个体化治疗的进展与未来

(Cancer and Leukemia B)试验的最新回顾性研究提示,ER阳性的淋巴结阳性病人化疗的优势实杀上比ER阴性的病人小。同时,过去亚组分析中,已经提示

2008.06.26 丁香园现场采访李晔雄教授

《Journal of Cancer Research and Therapeutics》杂志,编委《Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical

2010.05.25 人工肛门患者心理健康状况调查

:Objective To explore the mental health of the patients with rectal cancer who suffered... There was significant difference between the patients with rectal cancer who suffered from

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