

2018.10.08 一带一路·粤港澳大湾区自身免疫病高峰论坛等你来!

-11:15Indo-China: Emerging global capital of medical science - why and how(大动脉炎-分享我们的经验...: Where are we now and how to proceed from here?(系统性红斑狼疮治疗的现状和未来)Sandra

2009.12.09 从RCT到临床实践:观察性研究的相关性

of the relevance of observational studies in clinical research and how trials

2014.09.09 2014年CSCO年会9月18日(星期四)上午

~11:30 How we treat PTCL in the USFrancine Foss Yale University Medical School, USA11:30~12:00 How we treat PTCL in AsiaHui-Qiang Huang 黄慧强 Sun Yat-sen

2014.03.19 英语时间-丁香园SCI医学论文写作系列巡回讲座2014上海首站


2012.10.09 “怎样成为一名优秀的医生”——2011国际医学教育论坛

to Choose a Career in Surgery and How to successed in it为何选择成为一名外科医师,以及如何

2013.10.11 Rolf Stahel教授:合作是突破研究瓶颈的关键

project,could you briefly introduce how did it come into being?(我们了解到ETOP时一个非常重要的合作项目...和欧洲的癌症患者并没有本质上的不同。丁香园:As the elect-president of ESMO, how do you think about

2013.02.28 Medscape 26日发表丁香园调查报告 中国医生参会现状获关注

Doctors Attend and How Often?Academic conferences are important venues...On average, how many times have you attended academic conferences annually

2013.05.22 丁香园联合全球顶级机构打造“2013中国数字医药峰会”

How are Physicians Using Digital Technologies and How Can You Connect