

2011.08.24 Alan H. Morris教授接受丁香园采访

;DXY: How long will this e-Protocol-heart failure program last for?Alan... failure will last much longer. It depends on how the collaboration goes on, how

2019.09.18 2019亚太生物医药合作峰会告示之路演集锦

:The talk will introduce Novo Nordisk’s open innovation program “INNOVO”. How

2011.07.29 Burnett John教授接受丁香园采访

is very successful with many high-impact publications. How did you get involved...:The challenge ultimately would be how to deliver the peptides as therapeutic

2018.06.03 2018 ASCO 结直肠癌看点速递

:如何识别变异并进行相关干预(Germline Mutations: How to Recognize Variants and What to Do...突变?(How to Recognize Germline Mutations Found During Somatic Tumor Testing

2012.10.26 Angelo Di Leo教授:绝经期后的晚期乳腺癌治疗

in hand, especially to treat advanced breast cancer, how can you select the most...fulvestrant是完全相同的。丁香园:How about your further Trans-CONFIRM study

2017.03.17 Focusing on Direct Anterior Approach (DAA): an Interview with Dr Hu Yihe

How to obtain effective learning is the next issue. The easiest way to train

2012.09.21 Rik Jscheper教授:细胞治疗的医政管理应宽严相济

with the readers?Prof. Rik J. Scheper: I am very impressed how some patients

2016.11.16 白春学教授荣获 2016 年 亚太呼吸协会奖章

论文 150 篇,总 SCI 影响因子累计 750 余分。主编《物联网医学》、《实用物联网医学》、《物联网医学分级诊疗手册》、《e-Health 4.0:How