

2009.09.08 Nerve Blocks for Pain Management in Japan Past and Present 佐藤重仁

Nerve Blocks for Pain Management in Japan Past and Present 佐藤重仁Nerve Blocks for Pain Management in Japan Past and Present 佐藤重仁 

2008.12.04 Kazuaki Miyake:KCNQ1基因中糖尿病遗传易感性相关SNPs研究

Kazuaki Miyake教授专家简介:Kazuaki Miyake, MD, PhDPRESENT POSITIONResearch...,University of Chicago2006- Present positionCURRICULUM VITAE

2009.12.09 OnceMix 研究:诺和锐30全球研究结果

in type 2 diabetes. During this session, Dr Kalra will present the OnceMix study

2019.09.18 2019亚太生物医药合作峰会告示之路演集锦

result of the fund-raising, Bionetix has raised about 15M USD until present... effect of the product. At present, AB-106 is being prepared for phase II clinical

2008.12.04 Soo Lim:环境因素、能量代谢与糖尿病

National University Hospital, Seoul, KoreaAugust 2005 – Present Assistant

2012.09.21 Rik Jscheper教授:细胞治疗的医政管理应宽严相济

frequently found to show undesirable side effects including death. In the present

2012.04.12 第五届华西微创胸外科手术论坛

present the most beautiful aspects of Chengdu city. As expected, the 5th West