

2008.08.20 Intraperitoneal Treatment for Gastrointestinal Cancer

DisclosuresThe pathologic Spectrum of Appendiceal Mucinous Tumors with Peritoneal Spread

2012.09.27 第三届中德肺癌论坛(CGLCF)

) Thymic tumors: Diagnostic controversies and difficulties (胸部肿瘤诊断的争论和困境...? (肺癌辅助放疗的治疗策略) How to manage mediastinal non-thymoma tumors

2007.10.31 田家玮:应用超声心动图诊断罕见心脏肿瘤

Diagnosis of rare cardiac tumors by echocardiographyJia-Wei TianSecond... on rare cardiac tumors by using echocardiography.Methods 100 Patients with rare

2019.09.18 2019亚太生物医药合作峰会告示之路演集锦

solid tumors.SOTIO is also collaborating with NBE-Therapeutics... for tumors, metabolic disorders, and ophthology. Candidates will be sequentially

2018.10.08 一带一路·粤港澳大湾区自身免疫病高峰论坛等你来!

; PAN Zhixian16:35-16:55Immunotherapy of tumors -- a new challenge

2015.05.31 ASCO2015 免疫治疗进展:抗 PD1 药物与晚期结直肠癌

进展。其演讲题目为「抗 PD-1 药物在错配修复功能缺陷型肿瘤中的影响」(PD-1 blockade in tumors with mismatch

2007.09.21 丁香园通讯员现场采访陆嘉德教授

, Berti A, Markoe A: Local control of large primary brain tumors or metastasis