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男,香港伊利沙伯医院临床肿瘤科肿瘤研究部科学主任 (医学),博士,英国生物医学科学研究所院士,香港分子生物诊断学会院士,香港医务化验学会院士,英国科学局特许科学家,香港中医药管理委员会注册中医师。
Dr William Chi-shing Cho is an oncological scientist at the Department of Clinical Oncology in Queen Elizabeth Hospital. He embarked his research work with biochemistry and Chinese medicine. After joining Queen Elizabeth Hospital, his main research interests have been focusing on local prevalent cancers such as nasopharyngeal carcinoma and lung cancer. Dr Cho’s recent work was featured at utilizing high-throughput mass spectrometry technology to discover biomarkers for cancer diagnosis, treatment prediction and prognostication. He is a fellow member of a number of societies, e.g. Institute of Biomedical Science (UK), the Hong Kong Society for Molecular Diagnostic Sciences, the Hong Kong Institute of Medical Laboratory Sciences, etc.
Dr Cho is an editor on several scientific journals and has published more than 60 articles in international journals covering cancer biomarkers discovery, oncoproteomics, chronic diseases’ pharmacology and Chinese medicine. He has also published books and articles on the topics of cancer encyclopedia, cancer biomarkers and proteomics methodologies with Springer and Humana Press. In addition, Dr. Cho is a renowned reviewer for medical journal and international grant application, a short list of journals he is reviewing is listed as below:
● International Reviewer of Grant Proposal of Science Foundation Ireland and National Medical Research Council (Singapore)
● Reviewer of British Journal of Cancer, Cancer Treatment Reviews, Cancer Letters, Experimental Biology and Medicine, European Journal of Pharmacology, Molecular Cancer, International Immunopharmacology, Journal of Diabetes and Its Complications, Archives of Medical Research, Journal of Ethnopharmacology, Journal of Cancer Molecules, Methods and Findings in Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology, Cancer Informatics, Chinese Medicine,
世界华人消化杂志, 中国肿瘤临床, etc.
编辑: jurgen 作者:丁香园通讯员