

2008.12.12 宾夕法利亚大学Jeffrey Field 教授

Jeffrey Field教授Jeffrey Field is Associate Professor, Department... on the effect of Carcinogenesis on oncogene and tumor.Jeffrey Field教授是美国宾夕

2012.09.27 2011年第四届华西微创胸外科手术论坛

of the pioneers, who had explored this untouched field and taught their lessons

2007.10.31 John Gorcsan: 定量超声心动图在CRT方面的研究进展

surrogate for dyssynchrony. This field continues to evolve and further data

2019.09.18 2019亚太生物医药合作峰会告示之路演集锦

was a recognized expert in this field. He was the reviewer of NIH SBIR grant and invited reviewer of several international journals in the field of drug

2012.11.01 CSIR2012颁发荣誉会员及特别贡献奖


2014.08.30 李强教授:高TG是心血管事件独立危险因素


2012.09.21 Rik Jscheper教授:细胞治疗的医政管理应宽严相济

in this field. .DXY Reporter: What challenges the development of cell... much about current Chinese regulations in this field but I feel regulations

2008.09.13 汤一苇教授:中枢神经系统病毒感染的分子诊断和监测

molecular techniques has initiated a revolution in the field