

2018.12.03 CDS2018:2017 年「中国糖尿病十大研究」最具影响力奖

function and survivalGDF11 通过改善胰岛β细胞功能和生存来延缓 2 型糖尿病进展作者:李欢 向光大 等 发表期刊:Diabetes 2017

2018.04.23 具有中国特色的扩张型心肌病诊疗指南

Diltiazem Improves Cardiac Function and Exercise Capacity in Patients

2014.10.18 张运教授:动脉粥样硬化的抗炎治疗是纸上谈兵吗?

胆固醇的靶点,因为这个基因是低密度脂蛋白受体,细胞内推溶酶体降解,所以就会减少逃跑,key function是基因就会使高速血溶增加,单克隆抗体希望能够明显降低

2007.10.31 田家玮:应用超声心动图诊断罕见心脏肿瘤

characteristics, and to show the heart function changes according to the myocardial..., may have little influence to the heart movement and function especially when

2007.10.31 马小静:155例复杂先天性心脏畸形患者影像诊断及手术结果的比较研究

the evaluation of the real time haemodynamics and cardiac function easy. While

2012.09.21 Rik Jscheper教授:细胞治疗的医政管理应宽严相济

actually function as a serious counter-acting force in the development of novel

2009.08.10 RNA研究的大师讲演

new function of RNA in general gene therapy in bacteria will be discussed.

2011.08.24 Alan H. Morris教授接受丁香园采访

protocols for the interpretation of lung function tests in the pulmonary function... interpretation rules for lung function test. We have a college in Xi’an who