

2015.05.18 Tristan D. Yan 教授:微创心胸外科手术之见

很荣幸邀请到会议讲者 Prof. Yan 进行视频专访。专访中,Prof. Yan 介绍了被他称为 Mini-bentall procedure 的微创心血管... about mini-bentall procedure. What is a mini-bentall procedure?4. Through 5-7

2007.10.31 唐红:经食管超声心动图在非体外循环下微创封堵房室间隔缺损中的应用

after the procedure.Results 32 patients with ASD received the occlusion... dysfunction were observed. 29 patients with VSD underwent the procedure

2007.10.31 马小静:155例复杂先天性心脏畸形患者影像诊断及手术结果的比较研究

were performed in 41 cases, and the modified Fontan procedure in 28 cases... , the Rastelli procedure in 20 cases, the repair of aortic coarctation in 9 cases

2008.11.18 Arthroscopic and Minimally Invasive SurgicalTechniques of the Hand and Wrist

Excision andlimited carpal fusion. Arthroscopic Wafer procedure &radial

2007.10.31 李越:超声心动图在介入封堵主动脉窦瘤破裂中的作用

on the function of echocardiography before, during and after RSVA closure procedure . Results... During closure procedure. needed echocardiography for guiding and monitoring

2008.09.13 汤一苇教授:中枢神经系统病毒感染的分子诊断和监测

procedure by enhancing the 5’-exonuclease activity owned by Taq polymerase.

2012.02.08 2012第三届体外诊断产业高峰会议将于3月8日在深圳召开

Treatment Management and Drug Discovery Procedure发言嘉宾:吴一飞,Executive