

2008.08.26 侵袭性真菌感染的临床研究进展

)、经验治疗(Empirical therapy)、临床诊断治疗(Preemptive therapy)和确诊治疗(Targeted therapy

2007.09.20 蒋国樑教授:原发性肝癌的三维适形放疗

(3-dimensional conformal radiation therapy , 3DCRT) 和 调 强 放 疗(intensity-modulated radiation therapy, IMRT)。因此我们试用 3DCRT 来治疗肝癌,本文小结了我医院近年来在这方面的工作。 

2015.08.29 成人糖尿病动脉粥样硬化性脑心血管病分级预防指南发布

overview of randomised trias of antipateet therapy--I: Prevention of death, myocardia infarction, and stroke by proonged antipateet therapy in various categories

2011.09.19 2011年第十四届CSCO年会优秀论文获奖名单

Orlando广东省人民医院等Efficacy of Pemetrexed Maintenance Therapy in East-Asian

2011.07.29 Burnett John教授接受丁香园采访

have chance for educations, they know the latest therapy. And Mayo technology

2011.07.29 Horng H chen教授接受丁香园采访

this therapy and prevent their heart from getting worse, they can be less hospitalized

2018.03.21 EAU 2018 资讯:大会发言模拟法庭备受瞩目

we need to take heterogeneity into consideration for focal therapy?前列腺癌介入诊疗领域专家... into consideration for focal therapy?」的主旨演讲,聚焦 HIFU 和冷冻治疗两项技术。局灶 HIFU 治疗 5 年无转移生存率能达到 97%,5 年癌症

2010.09.14 生物技术与科学管理 助力风湿患者回归健康

therapy of ankylosing spondylitis in clinical practice.Results from the Czech

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