

2009.09.07 Strategies to reduce cardiac risk for noncardiac surgery-Fleisher Lee

   Strategies to reduce cardiac risk for noncardiac surgery-Fleisher Lee  Strategies to reduce cardiac risk for noncardiac surgery-Fleisher Lee

2007.10.28 Chuwa Tei:多普勒/超声对心脏整体和局部功能的评价

Doppler/echo assessment of global and regional cardiac function

2007.10.10 局部和整体心脏功能的评价

Assessment of Regional & Global Cardiac Function局部和整体心脏功能的评价C. Tei (日本)Interpreter 翻译:LI Yi 李怡 C. Tei 教授(日本)Tei指数

2019.06.02 AVI plus 上市后临床研究一年随访结果正式发布

终点是 12 个月的靶病变失败率(iTLF),包括心源性死亡(Cardiac Death)、靶血管心肌梗死(TV-MI)以及缺血性靶病变血运重建(iTLR),整个临床研究严谨科学。术后随访一年,AVI 组和 Firebird2 组靶病变失败率(iTLF)分别为 6.49% 和 5.67%,其中心源性死亡(Cardiac

2015.05.18 Tristan D. Yan 教授:微创心胸外科手术之见

As you know in China, Thoracic Surgical Practice is now separated from Cardiac... thoracic and cardiac surgery inyour practice?笔者| Nancy Q. Zhong, Science Editor, AME

2007.10.29 Cheuk-Man Yu: 二维斑点跟踪的原理和应用

the cardiac cycle to determine myocardial deformation. This technology... angle-independent, as well as able to examine different components of cardiac function

2007.10.31 马小静:155例复杂先天性心脏畸形患者影像诊断及手术结果的比较研究

with complicated congenital cardiac anomaliesXiao-jing Ma Yuan...) and cardiac angiography exams in 155 cases with congenital complicated cardiac

2018.03.03 外泌体与心肌缺血再灌注损伤的研究进展

cardiac progenitor cell, CPC)来源外泌体:Chen 等 [21] 首次证实 CPC 来源的外泌体可作为心肌保护效应的治疗载体。在小鼠的心肌缺血