

2007.10.31 Tsui-Lieh Hsu:心室和心瓣膜定量评估

of cardiac structural pathologies, monitoring interventional therapeutic procedures... of intra-cardiac blood flow, stenotic or regurgitant jets could be displayed

2007.10.31 Tsui-Lieh Hsu:从便携式超声到iEcho

look” of patient's heart condition such as cardiac chamber size, regional and global ventricular function, and identifying the origin of cardiac murmur.

2007.10.31 田家玮:应用超声心动图诊断罕见心脏肿瘤

Diagnosis of rare cardiac tumors by echocardiographyJia-Wei TianSecond... on rare cardiac tumors by using echocardiography.Methods 100 Patients with rare

2008.11.09 CDS与CADA青年专家论坛(2)

in Diabetes-related Changes in Cardiac Inflammation and Remodeling Lu

2018.04.23 具有中国特色的扩张型心肌病诊疗指南

channel autoantibodies predicted suddencardiac deathand all-cause...;cardiac deathin patients with chronic heart failure. Eur J Heart Fail, 

2016.04.29 SCI 编辑教你如何成为「期刊人」

则是一个意外。作为全职医生,我同时也多年担任 European Journal Of Cardiac-Thoracic Surgery 审稿人一职。对待审稿工作

2007.10.31 Jong-Hoa Bae: 运动负荷超声心动图

segment during the cardiac cycle. This can be described by its strain rate