

2008.06.16 Dongfeng Tan教授:胃癌的分子标记和个体化治疗策略

Molecular Markers of Gastric Cancer and Personalized Treatment StrategyProfessor Dongfeng Tan, M.D.Department of PathologyThe University of Texas M D

2008.06.14 于观贞博士: 胃癌预后判断

Gene expression profiles associated with 5-year over survival of gastric cancer patients于观贞 医学博士第二军医大学附属长征医院肿瘤科

2007.09.22 师英强教授:早期胃癌的临床诊治问题

复旦大学附属肿瘤医院腹外科 复旦大学上海医学院肿瘤学系 师英强师英强 教授PPT节选之一PPT节选之二 胃癌是世界上常见的恶性肿瘤之一,在我国占恶性肿瘤发病的首位。由于胃癌缺乏特异性的临床症状和体征,普查的依从性差及费用高昂,早期胃癌(early gastric

2019.09.18 2019亚太生物医药合作峰会告示之路演集锦

and pre-clinical pipelines from NASH and anti-gastric cancer.路演项目:具有全球商业价值的痛风和其它创新药物的... pre-clinical study for treatment of gastric, colon, and breast cancers

2014.09.09 2014年CSCO年会9月18日(星期四)上午

on locally Advanced Gastric Cancer)地点(Venue):厦门国际会议中心1楼1B会议室主席(Co-Chairs

2019.04.30 中山七院——诺奖科学家深圳国际医学论坛

2-dominated crosstalk between tumor cells and macrophages drives gastric cancer

2007.09.21 王杰军教授:大规模胃癌组织芯片的构建以及胃癌预后因素的分析

of Gastric Carcinoma And Analysis ofClinicopathological Prognostic Factors of Chinese Gastric Cancer PatietnsWANG Jie-Jun*, YU Guan-Zhen, CHEN Ying,.  

2007.09.21 丁香园通讯员现场采访陆嘉德教授

radiation therapy in symptomatic locally advanced gastric cancer. Int J Radiat Oncol... based on INT0116 for completely resected gastric adenocarcinoma. Int J Radiat