

2009.09.08 Anesthesia safety how to improve it (French experience)-让-马利-戴斯蒙

Anesthesia safety how to improve it (French experience)-让-马利-戴斯蒙Anesthesia safety how to improve it (French experience)-让-马利-戴斯蒙 

2008.08.20 Head and Neck Cancer(Poster Discussion)

NCI-EDRN Validation of Salivary Oral Cancer BiomarkersHow to best assess tumor response after curative chemoradiotherapy (CRT)

2012.09.27 第三届中德肺癌论坛(CGLCF)

NSCLC: How should we integrate new facts on duration of therapy in the treatment...) Second-Line therapy in advanced NSCLC: How to maximize efficacy

2012.10.27 丁香园独家整理:27日会场学术亮点摘要

。No.2你是否对临床试验到底要随访多长时间存在困惑?《How to design a successful trail》现场提问中,Walter

2012.10.23 “E时代,大传播”丁香园主题活动完美收官

,分享《微博除了有营养还得好消化》Eppendorf大中华区市场总监马青,分享《how to promote your weibo

2014.02.12 丁香园SCI医学论文写作讲座巡回预告(上海站)

培训题目:How to successfully write a manuscript张科宏:长青藤编辑中国区编辑主任

2019.06.03 ​2019 ASCO 泌外报道

发现有个讲座:How to Initiate and Integrate Clinical Trials Into Your Practice。听下来以后感慨

2009.12.09 Fahrettin Kelestimur教授:早期启动胰岛素治疗的重要性

Professor Kelestimur will review insulin resistance and how beta-cell dysfunction