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- 父亲肺癌两年多了,现在吃9291,效果还不错,希望老人 ...
- 斯蒂芬
- 斯蒂芬斯多夫
- 前沿。
- 非常好的资料,还需要再认真研读!如果有PPT版的就完美 ...
- 认真学习了!
- 大牛的ppt真不错
- 不错
- 这个方案比较贵,基层医院很难普及。
- 样本量偏小咧
- def
- 恩,当时看到于教授本人来着,不错不错
- 我们必须要和国际接轨,因此一定要把英文学好,尤其是专业 ...
- 真的是好资料啊,PPT很精彩,涵盖内容广泛、深刻,还需要 ...
- 基层医院,肺癌的规范化疗急待统一。形成专家共识。
- 支持于老。
- 如果您老能说说医生的***就齐了。
- 只要我们认识到我们所治疗的是得了肿瘤的人,而不是人身 ...
- 其实不但是癌症晚期的姑息治疗需要人性化的药物支持,一 ...
- 于老师见解独特,支持
- 支持张教授的见解。
- 张教授值得尊敬
- 谢谢老师的讲座
- 学习了,支持!
密歇根大学综合性肿瘤中心医学和泌尿外科教授,本研究的首席研究员,Maha Hussain博士说:“一些医生推介对转移性前列腺癌患者采用间歇性激素疗法,认为这样可以在不折中治疗效果的同时也能减少副作用的发生风险。但是本研究的结果显示对某些患者这种方法是显然不利的。”“本研究发现间歇性激素疗法并不是对所有的转移性前列腺癌患者都是安全的。”“这项研究的结果将会改变许多美国及国外常规性运用间歇性疗法的医生的临床实践。”
间歇性激素疗法从早期的研究来看似乎是安全的,但那些研究的对象中大部分还包括前列腺癌进展依据只是PSA水平增高(相对于本研究,疾病扩散依据是X-ray证据等)或者处于广泛的不同疾病阶段(不只是转移性癌)的患者。由国立癌症研究所赞助,SWOG主导的团队协作研究旨在比较间接性激素疗法与连续疗法治疗转移性前列腺癌的生存率。试验包括1500名以上在接受了七个月连续疗法后PSA降至4ng/ml 或以下的激素敏感性转移性前列腺癌患者。这些患者之后被随机的分配去接受间歇性激素治疗(770名)和连续性激素治疗(759名)。由于治疗的周期性,间歇性激素疗法组患者的激素治疗时间平均大约是连续性疗法组的一半。
题目:Intermittent (IAD) versus continuous androgen deprivation (CAD) in hormone sensitive metastatic prostate cancer (HSM1PC) patients (pts): Results of S9346 (INT-0162), an international phase III trial.
在激素敏感转移性前列腺癌(HSM1PC)患者中比较间隙性雄激素阻断(IAD)和持续性雄激素阻断(CAD):国际III期研究S9346 (INT-0162)结果
Background: Castration resistance occurs in the vast majority of HSM1PC pts treated with AD, with a median survival of 2.5 years (y). It is in part an adaptive process with activation of genes resulting in the production of autocrine/paracrine growth factors that contribute to maintaining the viability of PC cells. Replacing androgens before castration resistance is hypothesized to maintain PC androgen-dependence. Preclinically IAD prolonged time to castration resistance and early clinical data indicated feasibility and potential for better quality of life.
Methods: HSM1PC pts with performance status (PS) 0-2, PSA ≥ 5 ng/ml were treated with 7 months (m) of goserelin + bicalutamide. Pts achieving PSA ≤4 ng/ml on m 6 and 7 were stratified by prior neoadjuvant AD/finasteride, PS and disease extent (minimal, extensive) and randomized to CAD or IAD. Primary objective: To assess if overall survival (OS) with IAD is noninferior to CAD using a one-sided test with an upper bound hazard ratio=1.20, adjusting for stratification factors. Sample size: 756 pts/arm, type I and II error rates of 0.05 and 0.10.
Results: 3,040 pts were accrued by SWOG, CALGB, ECOG, NCIC, and EORTC (5/95- 9/08). After 7 m of CAD, 1535 eligible pts achieved PSA ≤4.0 (median age 70 yrs, 4% PS 2, 48% extensive disease, 12% prior neoadjuvant AD) and were randomized to CAD (759 pts) or IAD (770 pts). Grade 3/4 related adverse events: IAD 30.3%, CAD 32.6%. Median follow-up was 9.2 yrs. Median and 10 yr OS: All eligible pts from study entry: 3.6 yrs, 17%; from randomization CAD: 5.8 yrs, 29%; IAD: 5.1 yrs, 23%, HR (IAD/CAD) = 1.09 (95% CI 0.95, 1.24). No interaction with therapy was significant (p>0.25) except suggestion with disease extent (p=0.08): extensive disease HR=0.96 (95% CI 0.79, 1.15, p=0.64); minimal disease: HR=1.23 (95% CI 1.02, 1.48, p=0.035). PC was cause of death in 56% of CAD and 64% IAD pts. OSby race was not different (p=0.44).
Conclusions: In HSM1PC, IAD is not proven to be noninferior to CAD. For extensive disease pts IAD was noninferior; however, IAD was statistically inferior in minimal disease pts suggesting that CAD is the preferred treatment in this group.
编辑: xy 作者:丁香园通讯员