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- 父亲肺癌两年多了,现在吃9291,效果还不错,希望老人 ...
- 斯蒂芬
- 斯蒂芬斯多夫
- 前沿。
- 非常好的资料,还需要再认真研读!如果有PPT版的就完美 ...
- 认真学习了!
- 大牛的ppt真不错
- 不错
- 这个方案比较贵,基层医院很难普及。
- 样本量偏小咧
- def
- 恩,当时看到于教授本人来着,不错不错
- 我们必须要和国际接轨,因此一定要把英文学好,尤其是专业 ...
- 真的是好资料啊,PPT很精彩,涵盖内容广泛、深刻,还需要 ...
- 基层医院,肺癌的规范化疗急待统一。形成专家共识。
- 支持于老。
- 如果您老能说说医生的***就齐了。
- 只要我们认识到我们所治疗的是得了肿瘤的人,而不是人身 ...
- 其实不但是癌症晚期的姑息治疗需要人性化的药物支持,一 ...
- 于老师见解独特,支持
- 支持张教授的见解。
- 张教授值得尊敬
- 谢谢老师的讲座
- 学习了,支持!
在一线接受6个周期吉西他滨联合紫杉醇治疗后取得临床缓解的晚期乳腺癌患者中比较维持治疗和观察的III期、多中心、随机试验(KCSG-BR 0702, NCT00561119)
题目:A phase III, multicenter, randomized trial of maintenance versus observation after achieving clinical response in patients with metastatic breast cancer who received six cycles of gemcitabine plus paclitaxel as first-line chemotherapy (KCSG-BR 0702, NCT00561119).
在一线接受6个周期吉西他滨联合紫杉醇治疗后取得临床缓解的晚期乳腺癌患者中比较维持治疗和观察的III期、多中心、随机试验(KCSG-BR 0702, NCT00561119)
Background: Chemotherapy provides a survival benefit in patients with metastatic breast cancer (MBC), but the optimal duration of chemotherapy remains controversial. Primary purpose of the study was to evaluate whether the maintenance chemotherapy with gemcitabine/paclitaxel (GP), which is one of the two regimens which showed a survival gain from a randomized trial, is superior to observation in terms of progression free survival (PFS) in responding patients with MBC after 6 cycles of GP as first-line treatment.
Methods: This study is a prospective, randomized, multi-center, phase III study. Patients who achieved response (CR+PR+SD) following 6 cycles of GP chemotherapy (gemcitabine 1250 mg/m2 on day 1 and 8 plus paclitaxel 175 mg/m2 on day 1 every 3 weeks) randomized to maintenance till progression or observation arm. The trial was conducted by the Korean Cancer Study Group (KCSG).
Results: Among total 324 patients enrolled between 2007 and 2010 from 10 centers, 231 responding patients to were randomly assigned to maintenance chemotherapy (n=116) or observation (n=115). Median age was 49 (range 28-76). The numbers of hormone receptor (HR)+ve and HR-ve patients were 172 (74.5%) and 59 (25.5%), respectively. The median No. of chemotherapy cycles in maintenance group was 12 (range 6-32). During median 33 months of follow-up, median PFS was superior in maintenance than in observation (12.0 vs. 8.3 months, p=0.030). Patients < age 50 years (hazard ratio 0.50, p=0.001) and HR-ve patients (hazard ratio 0.52, p=0.019) received more benefit from maintenance chemotherapy in terms of PFS. Median OS was superior in maintenance than in observation (36.8 vs 28.0 months, p=0.047). Neurotoxicity (≥ grade 2) was more common in maintenance than in observation without statistical significance (41.7% vs 33.3%, p=0.210). Serial assessment of Quality of Life (QoL) did not show any significant difference between two groups.
Conclusions: Maintenance GP chemotherapy for responding patients with MBC showed clinical benefit in terms of PFS and OS without impairment of QoL.
编辑: xy 作者:丁香园通讯员