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Individual Patient Based Meta-analysis of Lentinanfor Unresectable/Recurrent Gastric Cancer

发布日期:2012-06-06 15:30 文章来源:丁香园
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Background: In the present study, the effect ofimmunochemotherapy with lentinan compared with that ofchemotherapy alone was evaluated in patients with advancedgastric cancer through individual patient data (IPD) metaanalysis.

Materials and Methods: Based on a computerizedand manual search, all eligible centrally randomizedcontrolled trials (RCT) which compared chemotherapyregimens with or without lentinan administration foradvanced gastric cancer patients were included.

Results: Intotal, 650 IPD from 5 trials were available. Lentinansignificantly prolonged the overall survival (stratified logrankp=0.011). The overall hazard ratio (HR) was 0.80(95% confidence interval=0.68-0.95) and there was noheterogeneity between trials. Additionally, lentinan waspossibly more effective in patients with lymph-nodemetastasis than in non-node metastasis patients (P forinteraction=0.077).

Conclusion: The addition of lentinan tostandard chemotherapy offers a significant advantage overchemotherapy alone in terms of survival for patients withadvanced gastric cancer.

【下载地址】Individual Patient Based Meta-analysis of Lentinanfor UnresectableRecurrent Gastric Cancer.pdf

编辑: zhouj
