李明 Ming Li



大连医科大学基础医学院微生态教研室,副教授。主要从事母乳糖复合物对新生儿肠道微生态及免疫发育的作用研究。参与多项国家级课题;主持教育部高校博士点新教师基金 1 项;获中国博士后科学基金及特别资助各 1 项;辽宁省自然科学基金等省市级科研课题多项;与企业联合横向科研课题 3 项。所得研究成果发表 SCI 收录论文 24 篇;副主编专著 2 部;参编十二五规划教材 1 部。

Ming Li is associate professor of the microecology department in school of basic medicine of Dalian medical university. She mainly engaged in the research of the effect of breast-milk sugar compound on the intestinal microecology and immune development of neonates. She participated in a number of national projects. She presided one new teachers fund of doctoral programs of the ministry of education. She received one from China postdoctoral science foundation and one from special grant. She also participated in some provincial projects, like Liaoning natural science foundation. She also presided 3 projects that cooperated with enterprises. She published 24 papers, as deputy chief editor in 2 books, participated in the compilation of one textbook for the 12th five-year plan.

编辑: z翟某某    来源:丁香园

会议日程 更多

时间:2019 年 3 月 29-30 日


Time: March 29-30, 2019

Address: Banqueting Hall, Shangri-La Hotel, Suzhou,China

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