苏宜香 Yixiang Su



中山大学公共卫生学院营养系教授、博士研究生导师。中国营养学会荣誉理事(2004~2013 中国营养学会副理事长),广东省营养学会荣誉理事长(1998~2008 广东省营养学会理事长), 中国营养学会妇幼营养分会名誉主任委员, 国家卫生和计划生育委员会特殊膳食标准委员会及营养标准委员会委员。《中国居民膳食营养素参考摄入量(2013)》、《中国居民膳食指南. 妇幼人群膳食指南 (2016)》的修订专家委员会副主任。主要研究方向是妇幼人群营养,包括人群营养状况监测、营养素需要量研究及营养实践推广,其重点的研究领域包括,妇幼人群钙需要量、膳食脂肪及脂肪酸适宜摄入量及骨质疏松症防治的研究等。发表论文 150 余篇,「孕期营养需要的系列研究」「女性 3 个特定人群钙适宜摄入量及骨质疏松症防治研究」等获广东省政府、中国营养学会科技成果二等奖。主编多部营养学专著及教材还有营养科学普及读物,总字数超过 400 万。

Yixiang Su is the Professor of Faculty of Nutrition of School of Public Health, Sun Yat-sen University. She is honorary president of Chinese Nutrition Society, Guangdong Nutrition Society and Child and Maternal Committee of Chinese Nutrition Society. She is also the member of special diet standard committee and nutrition standard committee of national health and family planning commission. She is the vice president of expert committee of revision of Chinese Dietary Reference Intakes 2013 and Guidelines for Chinese Residents and Guidelines for women and children 2016. Prof. Su’s study direction is maternal and child nutrition, including the monitoring of nutritional status, the research on nutrient requirements amount and the promotion of nutritional practices. The key research areas include the calcium requirements of women and children, the appropriate intake of dietary fats and fatty acids, and the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis. She published more than 150 papers. She is the chief editor of some books and teaching material.

编辑: z翟某某    来源:丁香园

会议日程 更多

时间:2019 年 3 月 29-30 日


Time: March 29-30, 2019

Address: Banqueting Hall, Shangri-La Hotel, Suzhou,China

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