马博轩 Patrice Malard



在法国里尔大学致力于食品营养学的研究并获得生物学博士,先后在 DSM(帝斯曼) 食品公司、Pioneer Hi-Bred 公司、法国 Lallemand(拉曼) 公司任职,从事食品营养及健康的研究工作。现任健合集团首席技术官,负责领导技术中心工作。Patrice 博士于营养品行业拥有近 20 年经验,他负责领导开发的益生菌,以食物补充剂或药物的形式成功地占领了欧洲市场;他开发的合生元儿童益生菌冲剂是中国儿童益生菌市场上的领导品牌。

Dr. Patrice Malard did its PhD degree at the University of Lille France in Developmental Biology where he was working on genetics of filamentous fungi. In the early eighties he joined Gist-Brocades in the Netherlands as a Researcher in the field of industrial enzymes for food and non-food applications. He became later Research Director of the French research group. He also joined the US based Pioneer Hi-Bred the world leader in corn seeds as Strategy Director where he concentrated on specialty crops for the industry and selection of hybrids for the French market. In 1999 he came back to microbiology by joining Institut Rosell/Lallemand as business & products development director in the field of probiotics for about 10 years. He is now Chief Technology Officer and General Manager of the Technology Center of H&H Group.

编辑: z翟某某    来源:丁香园

会议日程 更多

时间:2019 年 3 月 29-30 日


Time: March 29-30, 2019

Address: Banqueting Hall, Shangri-La Hotel, Suzhou,China

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    在法国里尔大学致力于食品营养学的研究并获得生物学博士,先后在 DSM(帝斯曼) 食品公司、Pioneer Hi-Bred 公司、法国 Lallemand(拉曼) 公司任职,从事食品...

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