曹江霞 Jiangxia Cao



武汉市妇女儿童医疗保健中心孕产保健科主任,孕产保健部副主任,武汉科技大学兼职教授,硕士研究生导师,学科带头人。从事妇产科临床和保健工作三十余年,擅长优生遗传咨询,产前诊断,羊膜腔穿刺及脐带血穿刺技术,对高危妊娠,妊娠期糖尿病,复杂性双胎诊治经验丰富。被聘为武汉医师协会遗传与优生专业医师分会副主任委员,武汉市妇产科医师协会副主委,中国整形美容协会女性生殖整复分会第一届和第二届理事,湖北省预防医学会妇女保健专业委员会常委,武汉市产科医疗质量控制中心专家委员会委员,武汉市围产保健协作组专家,武汉市医学会医疗鉴定专家,在国家核心期刊发表科研论文 10 余篇,主持科研课题 6 项。

Dr. Jiangxia Cao is director of the Department of Maternal and Health Care of Wuhan Women and Children Health Care Center, deputy director of the Department of Maternal and Health Care. Engaged in obstetrics and gynecology clinical and health work for more than 30 years, she is good at eugenics genetic counseling, prenatal diagnosis, amniocentesis and cord blood puncture technology. She has extensive experience in the diagnosis of high-risk pregnancy, gestational diabetes and complex twins. She was appointed as the deputy director of the Department of Genetics and Eugenics of the Wuhan Medical Association, the vice chairman of the Wuhan Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, expert of the Wuhan Perinatal Health Care Collaboration Group. She has published more than 10 research papers in national core journals and presided over 6 research projects.

编辑: z翟某某    来源:丁香园

会议日程 更多

时间:2019 年 3 月 29-30 日


Time: March 29-30, 2019

Address: Banqueting Hall, Shangri-La Hotel, Suzhou,China

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