Tristan D. Yan 教授:微创心胸外科手术之见

2015-05-18 11:53 来源:AME科研时间

编者按:Tristan Yan 教授,《心胸外科年鉴》Annals of Cardiothoracic Surgery 杂志主编,是一位心胸手术医生,在澳大利亚悉尼大学中心临床学院外科担任副教授。临床研究主要专注主动脉手术、瓣膜手术以及微创胸部手术,学术研究专长于多中心数据库分析,系统综述,荟萃分析。他的团队由29位成员组成,专注于心胸外科领域,是世界上外科临床研究和数据综合最为多产的团队之一。在第八届中国肺癌微创治疗论坛于广州医科大学附属第一医院召开期间,AME 编辑部很荣幸邀请到会议讲者 Prof. Yan 进行视频专访。专访中,Prof. Yan 介绍了被他称为 Mini-bentall procedure 的微创心血管手术,以及微创大动脉手术的优势,并对心外、胸外科的“分家”发表了自己的看法。最后,Prof. Yan 表示很欣赏何建行院长团队最新推出的裸眼3D技术,相信该技术对胸外、心外科手术都会有裨益。




1. As you know in China, Thoracic Surgical Practice is now separated from Cardiac Surgery. Do you see the advantages of the trend of having a streamed practice?

2. You mentioned thatyou do the posterior VATS lobectomy approach. What are the main advantages of this approach as opposed to the anterior approach?

3. You talked about mini-bentall procedure. What is a mini-bentall procedure?

4. Through 5-7 cmincision, what kind of procedures can you porform?

5. What are the benefits of minimally invasive aortic surgery? For example, what is the average length of the hospital stay following this procedure?

6. What is the secret for successful mini-bentall procedure?

7. Professor He launched the Super D 3D monitor at this meeting. Can you see that you can utilize the monitor in both minimally invasive thoracic and cardiac surgery inyour practice?

笔者| Nancy Q. Zhong, Science Editor, AME Publishing Company

由 Tristan D. Yan 担任副主编的《Lung Cancer》英文书已经正式发布,点击此处可购买:



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