
作者:   2011-08-10
会议名称(中文): 第十九届国际法医学协会会议以及第九届世界警察医务官员会议和第五届地中海法医研究院会议
会议名称(英文): the 19th Triennial Meeting of the International Association of Forensic Sciences (IAFS) together with the 9th Triennial Meeting of the World Police Medical Officers (WPMO) and the 5th Meeting of the Mediterranean Academy of Forensic Sciences (MAFS)
所属学科: 医学免疫学,生理学与病理学,诊断学与治疗学基础
开始日期: 2011-09-12
结束日期: 2011-09-14
所在国家: 葡萄牙
所在城市: 葡萄牙
[ 重要日期 ]
摘要截稿日期: 2011-05-31
[ 会务组联系方式 ]
联系电话: +351 239 854 276/242
传真:        +351 239 836 470/820 549
E-MAIL:     iafs2011@mj.pt
会议网站: http://www.iafs2011.mj.pt/index.htm
From 14th to 17th September 2011, the 19th Triennial Meeting of the International Association of Forensic Sciences (IAFS) will be held in Funchal (Madeira, Portugal), together with the 9th Triennial Meeting of the World Police Medical Officers (WPMO) and the 5th Meeting of the Mediterranean Academy of Forensic Sciences (MAFS). This joint meeting will be preceded by workshops that will take place between 12th and 14th September.
Several other international associations will also hold their board meetings and/or organize scientific sessions and workshops during IAFS, WPMO & MAFS 2011. These include the AAFS, ENFSI, WAML, ECLM, IALM, FASE, RIAMLCF, ICRC, IRCT, TIFS, IOFOS and IFSA. Although the official language of the meetings will be English, special oral and poster sessions will also take place in French and Spanish as well as parallel meetings in Spanish and Portuguese.
From the scientific point of view, IAFS, WPMO & MAFS 2011 will surely be an unforgettable event and, probably, one of the best scientific meetings ever in the area of forensic sciences. It will involve some of the most renowned international specialists in the field, and all areas of the forensic sciences will be open to discussion and analysis. It is expected the participation of more than 80 countries.
Madeira is an island paradise, with stunning scenery and a subtropical climate. For many, is one of the most beautiful places in the world. With a wide range of activities to entertain tourists, it is a very popular holiday destination. Any stay in Madeira, and its city of Funchal, will certainly prove to be memorable.
All the information about IAFS, WPMO & MAFS 2011– scientific and social programs, registration, sponsorship opportunity, travel and accommodation special offers, invitation letter, commercial exhibitions, etc. – is available at www.iafs2011.mj.pt.

编辑: 楼   




