15th Congress of the European Federation of Neurological Societies
欧洲神经协会联合会成立于1991年在奥地利的维也纳。现有44个欧洲神经协会成员国,19000多名欧洲神经医师。第一次地区性年会于1993年在德国柏林召开。第一次年会于1995 年9月在法国马赛举办。会议从以下几个方面展开:老年与痴呆,自主神经系统,脑血管病,儿科神经学/发育神经学,临床神经病理学,认知神经/神经心理学,重症护理,神经学教育,癫痫,神经伦理,头痛,神经学历史,感染与AIDS,运动神经元疾病,运动障碍,多发性硬化(MS)与相关疾病,神经肌肉接头病,神经列病学,神经遗传学,神经成像,神经免疫学,神经全身性疾病,神经学,神经肿瘤,神经眼科学/神经耳科学,神经毒理学/职业神经学,神经创伤学,外周神经异常,康复,失眠,脊髓及神经根病变。去年最受关注的十大内容是:帕金森和其他运动障碍,癫痫,脑血管病,痴呆,中风,多发性硬化,认知神经,头痛,中枢神经系统,神经康复。
15th Congress of the European Federation of Neurological Societies will be held in Budapest, Hungary from September 10-13, 2011.
Programme includes all major neurological topics and combines up-to date review lectures by world's leading experts with free presentations of research results, presented for the first time. We expect between 40,000 and 5,000 neurologists to gather in Budapest, and around 2,000 abstracts having been submitted. These coming days will be very busy for European and non-European neurologists, and will make difference for professional work.
This is a general neurology congress, covering neurology in the broadest sense. Specialists will receive latest news not only in their field, but also get an update on other topics, necessary for daily patient practice. A congress like this is an excellent way to help keeping all subdiscipliness together and at the same time promote research and research input across subfields. Congress combines specialist education including teaching courses, overviews, satellite symposia and the exhibition with free oral presentations, posters, and focused workshops.
会员 6月15日前495欧元/人,6月16日—9月1日 565欧元/人,9月2日后595欧元/人
非会员6月15日前575欧元/人,6月16日—9月1日 605欧元/人,9月2日后635欧元/人
官网: http://efns2011.efns.org/
官网: http://efns2011.efns.org/