
作者:   2013-01-23

The recent FDA approvals of Provenge as the first therapeutic cancer vaccine and Ipilimumab as the first monoclonal antibody that blocks negative immune regulation are landmark achievements that highlight substantive progress in cancer immunology. These novel treatments derive from the cumulative insights of basic and translational scientists into the mechanisms of protective tumor immunity in cancer patients. Advances in genetic, cellular, biochemical, and technologies have dramatically increased our understanding of the pathways through which the host responds to cancer. Tumor-host interactions in the microenvironment are increasingly recognized to play a critical role in determining disease inhibition or promotion. This Keystone meeting will bring together leading cancer immunologists to discuss their most recent insights into immune recognition, regulation, tumor escape, and therapeutic manipulation. Emerging areas of cancer metabolism and material science engineering that relate to cancer immunology will be highlighted. The integration of basic and clinical aspects of tumor immunity in this meeting should stimulate interest from a wide array of investigators and students. The concurrent symposia with ntibodies as Drugs will underscore the increasing connections between these fields, and potentially accelerate the development of new cancer immunotherapies.

编辑: xuxinli   




