The Gordon Research Seminar on Chromosome Dynamics is a unique forum for graduate students, post-docs, and other scientists with comparable levels of experience and education to present and exchange new data and cutting edge ideas.The focus of this meeting is to provide a collegial atmosphere for young scientists to discuss unpublished work on mechanistic aspects of bacterial, archaeal and eukaryotic genome organization. The meeting will cover a wide range of topics in chromosome biology, including DNA architecture, recombination, replication, repair, segregation and transcription.
- 会议时间: 2013-05-25至 2013-05-26
- 会议地点: 意大利
- 电话:401-783-7644
- 传真:401-783-7644
- 联系人:Gordon Research Conference
- Email:
- 联系地址:Gordon Research Conferences 512 Liberty Lane West Kingston, RI 02892 USA
- 会议网址: